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中国高中教育市场机会研究报告Research Report on Chinese Senior Secondary Education1) Government policy to Chinese Senior Secondary Education当前,中国尚无对普通高中教育的专门立法,政府对于高中教育的政策指导性文件主要是1999年发布的教育部关于积极推进高中阶段教育事业发展的若干意见。该文件对中国开展高中教育,提出如下指导意见:(1)各地教育行政部门要在确保实现“两基”目标和巩固提高的基础上,重视发展高中阶段教育事业,积极发展包括普通教育和职业教育在内的高中阶段教育,为初中毕业生提供多种形式的学习机会。(2)城市和经济发达的地区要有步骤地普及高中阶段教育,满足初中毕业生接受高中阶段教育的需求。已经基本普及高中阶段教育的地方,要优化教育结构和教育资源配置,进一步提高教育质量和办学效益。At present, there is no specialized legalization on the general senior high school education in China, the mainly released instruction document of government in 1999 subjecting to senior high school education is Ministry of Education concerning some opinions of development on active propulsion of senior high school stage education. The document pointed out the following opinions on the development of China senior high school education: (1)Everyplace education administration department on the base of ensuring realize the object of “ two basics” and consolidating and improvement of this object, attach importance to the development of senior secondary school education, actively develop senior secondary stage education including general and vocational secondary education, and provide junior high school graduates various types of study chances. (2)Urban and economic advanced areas should popularize senior secondary education step by step, satisfying the demand of junior high school graduates to accept the senior high school education. The place where has already popularized senior secondary education, should optimize educational structure and educational resources allocation, as well as further improve educational quality and efficiency of running schools. (3)高中阶段教育的发展要充分利用现有教育资源。已经“普九”的地方,可以通过学校布局调整、高初中分离、重点学校与薄弱学校联合办学、灵活多样的授课制等形式,挖掘潜力,扩大现有公办普通高中的招生规模。(4)各地实行鼓励民间办学的优惠政策,包括无偿提供办学用地,免收配套费用,充分利用现有设施和房屋等,为民间兴办高中阶段的学校创造条件,并加强管理、指导和监督。(5)鼓励办学条件较好、教育质量较高的公办普通高中在保证本校规模和教育质量的前提下,采取多种方式与其它学校、社会力量联合举办民办普通高中。 (3)The development of senior secondary stage education has to make fully use of the existing educational resources. The place having already “popularized nine-year compulsory education can though adjustment of school overall arrangements and separation of junior and senior high school and cooperate-programme between key school and common school, diversiform schoolteaching system and excavation of potential, and expanding existing recruitment scale of state-owned general senior high school.(4)Everyplace implements favorable policies encouraging establish private-owned schools, including provide place for running school with free charge, as well as free expenditures of relevant equipments, make the best of current equipment and housing, created the conditions for initiating private-owned senior high school, and strengthen administration, instruction and supervision.(5) Incent state-owned senior high school with better conditions and higher educational quality, adopt multiple forms to establish private-owned general senior secondary schools uniting with other schools and social supports, but on the precondition of ensuing school itself scope and educational quality.(6)高中阶段教育属于非义务教育。各学校在充分考虑当地群众承受能力的基础上,经物价部门批准,区别不同地区和不同类型学校,适当调整学费标准,提高高中阶段学费在培养成本中的比例。(7)进一步完善助学金制度,扩大对困难家庭子女的助学金、特困学生补助的规模。积极鼓励单位和个人捐资助学。(8)学校可以根据教学需要返聘退休教师或以合同制的形式从社会招聘教师。积极鼓励非师范类高等学校毕业生到高中阶段各类学校从教,避免将义务教育阶段教师拔高使用。(9)各地教育主管部门实施对高中收费的管理和监督,保证收费用于发展教育事业。 (6)The stage of the senior high school is the part of non- compulsory education. Each school is on the base of sufficient considering local crowd consumption capabilities, through the authorization of price department, distinguish the different areas and different types of schools, properly adjust tuition fees standard, and raise the proportion of senior secondary education stage tuition fees among the whole educational cost. (7) Further perfect scholarship system; expand the scholarship scope of the difficult household child and especially poverty students. Actively encourage units and individuals donate to support studying. (8)School can re-hire retired teachers and recruit teachers from society with the form of contact system according to teaching requirements. Vigorously incent the graduates of no-normal higher educational school engage teaching in senior high school.(9) Everyplace educational department implement supervision on the charge collected by senior high school, to ensure the charges are used for the development of educational undertaking.2) Development status of Chinese Senior Secondary Education高中教育是义务教育和高等教育的衔接点,在我国整个教育事业中占有重要的地位。改革开放以来,特别是近4年来,我国高中教育规模迅速扩大,教育资源配置日益优化,教育质量稳步提高,教师地位和待遇明显提高。2003年,全国普通高中1.58万所,比2002年增加0.04万所;招生752.13万人,比上年增加75.43万人,增长11.15%; 在校生1964.83万人,比上年增加281.02万人,增长16.69%;毕业生458.12万人,比上年增加74.36万人,增长19.38%。普通高中专任教师107.06万人,比上年增加12.46万人。生师比18.35:1,比上年的17.80:1有所提高。专任教师学历合格率75.71%,比上年增长2.84个百分点;普通高中体育运动场(馆)面积达标率为73.48%;体育器材配备达标率74.07%,音乐器材配备达标率65.87%,美术器材配备达标率65.63%;理科实验器材达标率78.73%;建立校园网的学校占普通高中学校总数的比例为44.76%. Senior high school education is the end-to-e
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