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PEP版小学英语四年级下册第六单元教案新地小学 丁宇静一、教学内容Unit 6 shopping Part A Lets talk and lets play.二、内容分析本部分的核心句型是:Can I help you ?Yes, these shoes are nice. Can I try them on ?They are too small,Theyre just right.教材通过John和妈妈在鞋店买鞋的情景,让学生感知上述句型的语义及语用情境。根据学生实际和教学需求把本课时作为本单元的第二课时教授,学生在第一课时(Lets learn )已经学习了Can I help you ?Yes, The are nice. Can I try them /it on ? sure等语句,所以本课时在情景中主要学习的句型为Are they ok ?size;Theyre too small; Theyre just right.能够在语境中理解size, of course, just right,并能够正确的发音。三、教学目标1、知识与技能(1)、学生能够理解对话大意,按正确的语音、语调朗读对话、表演对话。(2)、能够在语境中理解单词或词组size, of course, just right,并能够正确的发音,了解中外鞋号表达法的区别。(3)、能够在情景中运用句型Are they ok ? Size; theyre just right, theyre too 描述某物品(4)、根据所学对话,在具体的情境中能够利用所学的核心句型在教师的指导下自主编排对话。2、过程与方法(1)、教师创设具体的教学情境,逐步引导、示范帮助学生理解对话内容,运用本课时的核心句型。(2)、教师设计有梯度、有层次的练习对话教学活动,激发学生的学习欲望,帮助学生表演对话。(3)、创设六.一儿童节学生们要穿新衣服表演节目的情境,鼓励在商店里自主选择所需物品,根据核心句型,自主编排对话,提高学生的语用能力。3、情感态度与价值观(1)、学生能够积极主动的参与到课堂活动中来,激发学生的学习兴趣。(2)、在日常生活的购物中,学生能够礼貌待人,尊重别人;能够在自己年龄所规定的范畴内自主选择所需物品,培养学生的自理能力。四、教学重、难点1、教学重点:(1)、学生能够理解对话大意,按正确的语音、语调朗读对话、表演对话。(2)、能够在能够在语境中理解单词或词组size, of course, just right,并能够正确的发音,了解中外鞋号表达法的区别。2、教学难点:(1)、能够在情景中运用句型Are they ok ?size; Theyre just right , Theyre too 描述某物品(2)、根据所学对话,在具体的情境中能够利用所学的核心句型在教师的指导下自主编排对话。五、教学用具课件、卡片、畅言语音系统等六、教学步骤(一)、warm up and revision1.Greetings2.Ask and answer(T: Whats the weather like in ChiFeng ?Ss:T: Yes, itsandin ChiFeng. Youd better put on yourand take off your,I like this weather so much ,And I think today is a fun day.)3.Lets listen a song about clothes.(Let students listen a song ,then answer Miss Dings question, What clothes do you hear ? SsT: Wow ,so many beautiful clothes. Do you like beautiful clothes ? Ss,T: Now , Lets go shopping!教师示范领读shopping 、shopping, Lets go shopping! shopping 、shopping, We are shopping! 揭示第六单元购物话题,教师板书课题。)4.Free talk (ppt展示第六单元主情景图,教师引导学生观察。T:What can you see in the picture ? Ss.T:If you want to buy these beautiful clothes, can you make a free talk with Miss Ding?eg: T:Can I help you ? Ss:Yes. The xxx are nice, Can I try them on ? T: Sure , Here you are. then, students make free talk by yourselves like Miss Ding and xxx. )(二)、presentation1、揭示对话背景.Today ,We are shopping and we are happy .but , Miss Ding has a good new want to tell us, John and his mother are shopping today ,too. lets look at John and his mother s picture and guess, What do they want to buy ? Ss:Maybe they want to buythen ,lets look at cartoon of Lets talk and check answers.2、进入文本学习。(1)、默读对话,画出新词,揣测意思。Let students try to read the dialogue and draw new words or new phrase. Then ,lets try to read and guess the meaning of new words or new phrase. (of course, size and just right ) (2)、细读对话,小组讨论,回答问题。(Johns mother want to buy a pair of shoes for him, What size? A:size 6, Why ? “They are too small” B :size 7 ,Why ?“Theyre just right ”C: size 8, why? “Theyre too big ”)(3)、师生自由对话,帮助学生了解中外鞋码的不同表达法。(T:Miss Ding wears size 37 shoes, What about you ? what size ? S1: I wear size 38 shoes. T: Wow. You are taller than me in the future. S2: I wear size 37 shoes. Wow. You are taller and more beautiful than me in the future. T:利用ppt展示中外鞋码的不同表达法小提示条,让学生自主阅读理解) (4)、Let students listen and follow the tape .(听音、跟读模仿录音的语音、语调,教师适时的进行阅读指导。)(三)、practice1、Read the dialogue by yourselves and act the dialogue.2、Order these sentences, according to the dialogue. ( )、Yes. These shoes are nice. Can I try them on? Size 6, please.( )、John ,are they ok ?( )、Good!( )、Hmm.ok.Lets try size 7( )、No, Theyre too small.( )、Of course .Here you are .( )、Theyre just right.( )、Can I help you ?3.Close the books ,look at the picture and Retell the dialogue .(小提示:用优美的语音语调表演对话你将获得两颗星;用优美的语音语调并加入丰富的肢体语言辅助对话表演你讲获得五颗星。)4、Lets play(Your conversation is too good . ZhangPang and Sarah know You are polite people, They have been added to our class ,They are talking about now. Let s look at screen. 教师播放ZhangPang and Sarah的示范对话之后,让学生观察图片进行其他练习,从而进一步让学生巩固本课的所学句型。 )(四)、extensionChildrens Day will come and we will have a party. Youd better wear beautiful clothes and play wonderful programs on Childrens Day . Miss Dings friend has a shop .Today is sale day! What do you want to buy ? lets make a free talk with your partner, according to pictures and key sentences .(These/Thisare/is nice, Can I try these/them /it on? Are/ they /these / Is it ok ? ppt 展示表示衣服尺码的小提示条:L表示大号、M表示中号、S表示小号)(五)、Home work1、listen to the tape and read or retell the dialogue again.2、Act the free talk each other.(六)、Black board writingUnit 6 shopping Part A Lets talk and lets play. Size Are they ok ? Of course/sure Theyre too smalljust right Theyre just right 七、Self-examination
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