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高中英语教学案例设计一、学情分析当前在中学生中吸烟现象比较常见,课本内容接近学生生活,对学生有教育意义,容易激发学生的学习热情,易于展开讨论。二、教材分析本课是高一必修2第二模块里的一篇阅读课(Reading),出自外语教学与研究出版社出版的高中英语学生用书。在第一课Introduction里面初步接触和学习了描写抽烟、吸毒及其危害性的词语, 这一课Reading是上文的延续。本课Reading实际上分为两篇文章,第一篇主要讲述了一个吸毒者和他的故事;第二篇主要讲述了使用可卡因的危害。三、设计思路本堂课采用任务型教学途径,这种途径是以应用为动力,以应用为目的,以应用为核心(为用而学,用中学,学了用)的教学途径。任务型教学是一种以人为本的,能体现语言价值的,先进的、有效的教学途径。学生带着任务学习,在完成任务的过程中逐渐生成的知识,形成的技能。本课将通过任务型教学,努力达到课堂活动目的。四、教学目标1.让学生学习另一些介绍抽烟、吸毒及其危害性的词语2.通过阅读包括这些词汇的两篇文章并做寻找文章和所属段落的关系以及回答问题,判断正误等方式,培养联想、理解、前后联系能力和逻辑分析能力。五、教学重点和难点1理解有关吸毒及其危害的知识,找出段落和文章的从属关系。2培养阅读时的联想、理解、前后联系的能力和逻辑分析能力。3阅读的同时也培养学生运用所学的词汇进行语言交际的能力。六、教学辅助手段CAI课件,录音机七、教学过程Step1、PresentationTeacher uses the pictures connected with drugs to lead in.1. Show some pictures of different kinds of drugs to get them to know of drugs.opium poppy; opium; morphine; heroin; cocaine; ecstasy2. Show three pictures to let them know the dangers of drugsdrug addicts; a heroin baby; a dead drug addict3. Show the number of drug addicts: On March 1st, 2004, China government reported there were about more than 1,050,000 drug addicts in China. More than 70% of them are the young people under the age of 35.(教师通过看图谈论,直观地将与本课内容有关的图片展现出来。学生很自然地被迁移到了新课中来)Step2、New WordsAsk students to do an exercise of some new difficult words.Teacher shows the English definitions of new words and then asks them to guess the Chinese meanings of the words.Words: addictive; drug addict; drug dealer; heart rate; increase; inject(教师利用这个练习让学生初步掌握课文里的部分困难单词,解决阅读时的语言障碍)Step3、ListeningTeacher plays the tape of the first paragraphs of the two articles.Teacher asks students to listen to the tape and then to choose the best titles for the two articles.A. A Drug Addict and His StoryB. Dangerous Activities of TeenagersC. The Dangers of Using Cocaine(教师利用这个练习锻炼学生听力的同时,培养学生联想、分析能力和逻辑分析能力)Step 4 Surface-reading (silently)Ask students to read parts 1-6 on page13 and then decide which article they belong to.(教师通过这个练习培养学生前后联系能力和逻辑分析能力)Step5、Deep-reading (aloud)I. Ask students to read the five paragraphs of Article 1 and then answer the following questions.1. How old was Adam when he started using drugs?2. Which drug did he use first?3. Who did he buy it from?4. What was the second drug that the man sold him?5. How did Adam pay for the drugs?6. What did the police do?7. Did Adam take the doctors advice?8. Where does Adam work now?II. Ask students to read the three paragraphs of Article 2 and then decide if these sentences are true (T) of false (F).1. Cocaine can be smoked and also injected. T2. People who inject cocaine are in more danger if they share needles. T3. Cocaine makes your heart go more slowly. F4. Smoking crack cocaine can change peoples behavior. T(教师利用这两个练习使学生进一步抓住两篇文章的细节内容。)Step 6 ConsolidationTeacher asks students to read Article 1 again and then complete the passageAdam, _years old, is a _ addict. When he was_, he started _drugs. He _ cannabis from a man. One day, the man _ him some crack cocaine. Later he went to ask the man for _crack cocaine, but he didnt have_ money to buy it. He was in terrible _.The next day, he _a TV and a video recorder and sold them and then he got _to buy more crack cocaine. By that time, he was _to crack cocaine. So he had to steal something. One day, the _took him to_. Then he _a doctors advice and_ taking crack cocaine.(教师利用这个练习让学生借助于这篇完形天空,能够脱离课本将课文复述出来)Step7、Practice1. Teacher shows the picture of Adam and another one of Shui JunyiTeacher: Suppose you are Shui Junyi and go to Adams workplace and interview him. Now all of you make an interview in pairs.2. Ask three pairs to go to the front and act out.(教师能鼓励学生大胆地开口说英语,学生能用本堂课所学过的词汇及知识进行口语表达,这在英语课堂上是很可贵的,尽管学生的口语表达不是很准确)Homework: Ask students to write a passage about what you will do if your friend is a drug addict.
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