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中考英语七选五试题Ali is fro addl Eastenountry. He ow sasn te USA. H moks a ot of garettes eeryda.e a med for nine es. Aisays, “ Irid oquit (放弃)sokg i my hometown,but it as impossible.MyarentsmokeM rters moke Allm friends mke. t artesndateeng, amos l he m sok. e in the nited States, not as manpple smoke _ ”ay sokr relieAli: they wan to sto soking. _2_ Theykw ican case cacer nd heart ieas. But is dficlt r them to give p smokin ecase caretae a dugi t.Th dru is nicotine. opl w smk alone nicotie._3_ The nictinemakeshim sick. Ia few days, the smoker bdyis ue o he nicoine,and hefeels fne.Later, tesmoker eeds nictn t keep fing ine Withut nitne, hefeelbad. _4_ Many eole who qit wll soon soe aaiAt a ptyr at work hywildede o smke “just oe” cigtte. Thn they wil moke aother cigaete, adanother. Son thybecome smoks ain. _ () A. It is ry hardt qui mokng . I w be easier t can tekin habt her. . Thuncone mes mokes adicte to cigettes D The smokesknwtht smkngis bad fortheirheath. E. When person fist bgins ooke, usually el terrible. Myb there i nly ne ey o quimoing: ver tat. G ti ssaidtha mdcine is eed o so th fr mong.2辽宁 was tehen Iirstat witmy randher behind theair(收银台)in hegeral tore. 1 I qckyearnethe imprtance treati utomerpolitely an sying“thank ou”At firstI ws paid in nd. worke vey day aftschol, andduring te smmer ad on ekendnd ldays om8 a.m to 7 .My ar helpeme set up ank ccont 3 Bthe tme I wa12, y gandmotrthught Iha oe cha od ob tht epromoted m t sling cosis(化妆品). devepd the abiityto o comersdirctlin th e En toughI wasjust a kid,woen would sk e uch thingsas “ Whacolr do yu thinkI should wear?” I took el intrsin hei uestio and was beto traate wathwanted into makeup(化妆)deas. 4 e ob th me aluale lesn:o e cessulsalespeson, you idntneed o be Rke sceistyou eded t be reat litener. _ xpt te are olgr men purcig cosmetis om me; nsta, ty re ids ho tll m which t they wld lik to seeigned and dveloA. aterI received 0ctsa or.B. Before on, het me sit therby myslfC. Iedd upeing ror amount o smeics.D. Today I st ary tht lesson wthme: Ilisten t customersE. Mygranmas ut taght mehow t hadleespnsilty.F. So I ound myl ookig more baiul h ever before.G. achin mony grow was more ewarding thaanythin could hae bought3. 阐明文 (宁夏09)Geing your hroudy can b a ltle likgetting them tea their eetab. 71 Makea tu timean havi at th sm time evey day. This wll help yr kds toan o scedle thei dy d i give them a sense f controover the spend thei te. Alw them t tudy inlocks f tme, uch as or hlf a hurwit a feminutebreak in the il. 72 Id(抱负的)study timesar after dinner o ght ater schol eor ier.evrallow yor childen tsudy infronof he teleiin, as thatllncourge asve actvity. 73Yoll as ned to hp yourkis fndthe ig plce study. Aft yve et up agod sud tim forlitllearners, se u agood placewer theyca getose crativ uices fowing. 7 akesrere isa tae ra des nd a comfrabl chi. 75 This icludes helping e out wth their mewrk mtims and igthere o e ith the anss to any uestions. The iputyo gveour children durin stud erods will help foma bnd dhepmake sudg enjoable. A Pika le whryourldrn astudy rperly.B Hod them to te shedul they eatef hesees. C. inall, send tmwihyourks he theyre syng. D. Keepthe atosphe light n ofe lots ofncouragnt, to.E Inead, us T as a trar eard when th howorkis comlete. F. Try tosop his ba abt byofernome s of rwrd. G.One of he btways form o std habitso yur kidis to design heule tattey ee to. ()The rldisan itereing e. Diffeent peole e erentthig ome peopleik loud music. her ppleon. 1._ anypeopleli orts, bu te d no all likete same spo. In sme counris, cricet(板球运动)s very poular spor, Iners its no plat a. one plays itor watche i onT
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