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东明中学七年级英语导学单SubjectReview Unit 7 Topic 1Designer王世新学习目标1、能够听说读写53-60页重点单词及短语。2、复习并能够准确读写英语日期。3、能够准确使用be动词的过去式。重点1、能够听说读写53-60页重点单词及短语。2、复习并能够准确读写英语日期。难点能够准确使用be动词的过去式。ClassNameDate6.15一、自读学习目标,明确学习内容。二、读熟课本53-60页重点单词和短语,并能背诵,准备默写。三、熟读并记住下面的重点句型和词的用法。1、be born出生2、. 询问星期What day is it today? Its Friday.询问日期Whats the date today? Its May 21st,2004.3、.英语中日期有几种表示方法:-课本54、56页a.把月份写在日期前面,这通常是美国写法。如:March 21st,2001 读作March the twenty-first, two thousand and one(2001年3月21日)b.先写日子,再写月份和年,这通常是英国写法。如::21st March,2001读作the twenty-first of March, two thousand and one4、befun/interesting有趣5、plantodosth.计划做某事 wanttodosth.=wouldliketodo想要做某事6、haveabirthdayparty开一次生日晚会7、Wouldyoulikesomesth.你想要?=Doyouwantanysth?Wouldyouliketodosth.你想要做.事?=Doyouwanttodosth?8、Ofcourse./Sure./Certainly.当然啦9、usesthfordoingsth用作 lookup查阅,查找;10、Whats the shape of? What shape is? 是什么形状的?11、How long is it ?它多长? How wide is it ?它多宽?回答:Itslong/wide .四、预习检测。1. was Gina born ? She was born the morning of July 23rd,2002. A. When, on B. What time , at C. Where ,in D. Where ,on2. you born in Beijing ? . I was born in Anhui . A. Was ;Yes ,I was . B. Are ; No ,I wasnt . C. Were; No ,I wasnt . D. Were ; Yes ,I was .3. ? Its May 1st . A. What day is it B. Whats the sate C. Whats the time D. When is it 4.Would you like to help me with my English ? A. You re welcome . B. Sorry . C. Yes , please . D. Yes , Id love to .5.When was Tom born ? He was born in . A. nineteen eighty-five B. nineteenth eighty-five C. nineteen eighty-fifth D. nineteenth eighty-fifth 6.Do you plan your homework at home ? Yes , of course . A. to do B. to make C. doing D. making7. is the American football ? Its a ball , but not round . A. What shape B. Hoe long C. How wide D. What color8.Our classroom is clean and nice , because we every day . A. do some shopping B. do some reading C. do some washing D. do some cleaning9.What do we use the pencil-box for ? We use it pencils, rulers and so on . A. keep B. put C. keeping D. to keep 10.The building has floors . We live on floor .A. the fifteenth ; fifteen B. fifteen ; the fifteenth C. fifteen ; the fifteen D. fifteenth ; fifteenth我的收获: 我的问题:本人评价: 小组评价: 教师评价:1
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