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初中英语阅读教学设计姓名:于淑娟 所在工作坊:海阔天空性别:女 教龄:15年级:九 学科:英语单位:史各庄中学 职务:教师作业要求:完成一个阅读片段的教学设计,包括教学目标、教学重难点、教学流程、板书设计,请填写初中英语阅读教学设计。Title of the Unit:Module5 Unit2 Get off the sofa!Lesson Objectives:To be able to get main idea and specific information of passageTo be able to give advice on a healthy lifeTo be able to analyse the organization of the passageKey points:To learn some key words and expressions.To get information from the reading material about a safe and healthy lifeAnticipated difficultiesSome tenses.Teaching aids:Tape recorder, OHPStagesAims of stagesContentInteractionTimeStep1Warming-up(To talk about the pictures in order to improve the sense of their safe and healthy life styles. Its ready for the leading idea.)1. I will show some pictures about a safe and healthy life. I may ask some questions.2. Look at the pictures. Say what the advantages or dangers are?3.Talk about the pictures in English on their own freely. T-SsSsSs5Step2Pre-reading(Its ready for the leading idea.)Look at the pictures on the right and on the next page. What do the pictures tell you?Ss3Step3While-reading(Activities2,3 and 4. Well do this in order to ask them to notice the advice and use them in everyday life. At the same time the students will learn more vocabulary, some phrases and drills through reading.)(The students will learn some useful expressions by reading it. To train the reading skills of the students.)Read the passage. Which paragraphs describe what you see in the pictures. Call back the answers from the whole class.Ask them to read and decide individually, they can check with a partner. Decide who the passage is written for.Activty4 and callback the answers from the whole class. Decide where these sentences go in the passage.1. Read it as quickly as they can and know about the main idea,then infer the idea of the writers Work it by themselves. Check the answers together.2. Read it as quickly as they can finish.SsSsT-SsT-SsSsSs25Step4Post-reading(Do some listening and reading. At the same time we will learn the key words, phrases and sentences.)Listen to the tape and read after it. Well do with the key words and phrases and sentences.SST-SS10Step5Homework: WritingRead the passage again. Think of one more example of what you should or should not do for each rule.Write a passage called My rules for a healthy life. Include the rules and examples you have written .Ss2 Blackboard Plan What do you expect your blackboard to look like by the end of the lesson? How will you organise it?Unit2 Get off the sofa!Some language points: Sentence patterns:
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