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2023学年中考英语模拟测试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、-Oh, my god! Ive left my keys in the office.-Again? But , lets see what we can do about it.AindeedBanywayCinsteadDexactly2、-What did the teacher say to you ? -He asked me_.Awhy I look unhappy thenBwhen did I go home last nightChow could I solve the problemDif I had got everything ready3、Weve got a bedroom, if youd like to stay.AemptyBspareCavailable4、 What did you do after school yesterday? I _ basketball with Peter.AplayBwill playCplayedDhas played5、Can we play soccer here?No, you play it near the road. Thats too dangerous!AcanBmayCmustnt6、What do you think of English?Its a useful _,so we must learn it well.AquestionBlanguageCmessageDproblem7、Which stress of the following words is different from the others?AincreaseBSpirit.Cinsect8、I will go to the English club tomorrow I am too busy.AsinceBifCunlessDuntil9、Animals as our good friends because they help us a lot.Atreat Bare treated Ctreated Dwere treated10、What would you like to drink, girls? _, please.ATwo glass of waterBTwo glass of watersCTwo cups of teaDTwo cups of teas. 完形填空11、阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。It was a cold autumn morning a few years ago. I was 1 along the mountain roads slowly. It seemed like all of the 2 had changed overnight. The yellow and golden leaves were sparkling in the sunshine. The few green ones looked even better among those leaves. A part of me felt sad and small 3 the middle of all of this heaven sent beauty. As I was driving. I suddenly saw an old man hurrying along the side of the road . As soon as he saw me he 4 his hand, hoping for a ride, I pulled my car over to the side of the road. I 5 the door and the old man got in with a smile. He wanted to go to the local post office but 6 the bus. As I drove along we laughed and talked about what a beautiful day it was, Then just as I pulled over to drop him off he turned to me and said:“Thank you ,You were heaven sent.”I 7 with a smile on my face and a light in my heart. I wasnt sure if I had been “heaven sent”for him but he certainly had been “heaven sent”for me, He had reminded me that I was also an important part of Gods creation and that I should 8 taking my p;ace in it.In Gods eyes 9 of us are small. All of us are heaven sent. We are here to help each other, We are here to share our love and our kindness, We are here to make this world a 10 and more beautiful place.1ArunningBwalkingCflyingDdriving2AcoatsBgrapesCleavesDfields3AinBonCbetweenDfor4AroseBraisedCputDhung5AlockedBopenedCrepairedDcovered6AcaughtBleftCmissedDpicked7Adrove awayBran awayCtook awayDthrew away8AfinishBenjoyCpracticeDallow9AeveryoneBsomeoneCanyoneDnone10AricherBcleanerCtidierDbetter. 语法填空12、In China, many junior school students spend a lot of time on their studies. Many of them try their best 1 (get) good marks in the exams. They have a lot of homework every day, and the exam is 2 big headache. They think good education is the ticket to 3 (succeed) in the future.At school, students study very hard, but they enjoy 4 (them) after class. They can take part 5 all kinds of sports and games, music and dance, painting and hiking. Most students like pop music 6 Hollywood movies. Some students spend their free time 7 (play) computer games and chatting with their friends. Sometimes they go to libraries and bookstores. They are 8 (real) good places to relax. So as a junior school student, 9 (live) in China is not easy, but it is colorful and 10 (interest). 阅读理解A13、That was my grandmothers first Christmas without Grandfather. When my parents and I arrived at her little house ,we found she had waited up all night for us.Grandfather had always said that the Christmas tree was the most important decoration (装饰物) of all. So first we took out the beautiful tree that was stored in the closet (贮藏室). But the star wasmissing. It was my grandmothers favorite part of the tree.Why? It must be somewhere in the closet, my grandmother said.As we opened up boxes one by one and found no star, my grandmothers eyes were full of tears. Grandfather had given it to her some fifty years ago, on their first Christmas together. But on her first Christmas without him, the star was gone.The next morning, my family sat down together to open the presents.The last gift is to Grandmother from Grandfather, Father said, in a strange voice.From whom? There was surprise in my grandmothers voice.I found this gift in Grandfathers closet when w
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