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一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容(听两遍)10%( )1 A classes B glasses C grasses( ) 2 A cinema B camera C come( ) 3 A earphones B mobile phone C telephone( ) 4 A now B know C how( ) 5 A on B behind C near二、 听录音,根据所听到的问句,选择正确的答句(听两遍)10%( )1 A its in the bag. B it was in the bag. C Yes ,it is( ) 2 A Yes, it does B Yes, they are C NO, it isnt( ) 3 A Sure. B Yes , it is C No, it isnt( ) 4 A No, it isnt B No, they arent C No, they werent( ) 5 A Im looking for my camera B Im here C I water flowers 三、 听录音,填入所缺单词(听两遍)(4%)1 It was here a _ago . Where is it now ?2 The running race is very _. Let me some photos.3 A : Can I_ them , please ? B : Sorry, they were in my bag . But they _here now.四、 根据课文内容,完成短文 ( 6%) There are a lot of_ _in the park .They mean _things. The sign on the wall means _.We must _ _from the building. The sign on the grass means _ _ the grass. It means we _walk _the grass. The sign on the_ cage means_. We shouldnt_ there.一 单项选择(15%)( ) 1 It _here a moment ago. A is B was C were ( ) 2 Let me _. A have a look B to help you C reading this book( ) 3 The race is very_. A exciting B excited C beautiful( ) 4 There_ a pair of _ on the desk. A is ; glass B is ; glasses C are ; glasses( ) 5 They_ there now . They _ there just now. A are; wasnt B were ; are C arent ; were( ) 6 Are you_your bag?A seeing B looking C looking for( ) 7 I like the _cartoons A China B Chinese C Chinas( ) 8 A: Here are some pictures for you B;_ A Thank you B All right C Ok( ) 9 Mrs Brown wants to_ a walk in the park. A taking B taking C talk( ) 10 A;_birthday is it today? B;Its Bens A Whos B Whose C When( ) 11 Mr Green is teaching_. A me Music B to me Music C my Music ( ) 12 My cousin _ use chopsticks. Please give _ a fork. A can ; he B cant ;him C dont ;his( ) 13 There is _English book over there ._English book is Lilys. A an ;An B an ; The C the ; The( ) 14 A : Whats the name _-that book ? B: Its Harry Potter. A of B for C call( ) 15 The woman _-yellow_- my maths tester three years ago. We all likeed her. A on ; is B with ; was C in ; was二 选择合适的词组,并用它的正确形式填空(8%) a moment ago see you excuse me listen to musuic eight oclock a nice watch a public sign come to my birthday party 1 A: Heres _for you.B : Thank you.2 I like _. What about you?3 A; See you this afternoon.B: _.4 Its _in the morning. Lets begin our class.5 Tomorrow is my birthday . Would you like to_?6 A: Where s my football?B: Sorry, I don”t know. It was here_.7 _,is Miss Liu in the teachera”office now?8 There is _on the wall . It means “ Be quiet”三 从栏中选出与栏相匹配的句子(10%) ()1 What day is it today? A Be quiet. ()2 Can I watch TV now? B She is my cousin,Lily.()3 Do you have any hobbies? C Thank you ()4 What does that sign mean? D Yes ,there are()5 Thank you E Its Thursday()6 Who is the girl? F You are welcome.()7 Lets go to the cinema now. G No, you cant.()8 Are there any birds in the tree.
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