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英语面试邀请函模板【2篇】-条据书信 邀请函怎么写,欢迎阅读_我整理供应的英语面试邀请函_2篇,盼望对你有关心! 英语面试邀请函(一) Mr. / ms.: Hello! First of all, thanks for your interview for a position in our company site management, your resume and our company is currently recruiting requirements basic matching, in order to be able to know more about you, please in XX years x months x, XX to our company to participate in the interview. Interview with your resume and relevant certificates. If you have any other questions, please consult the human resources management center. If time can call or email to confirm the inconvenience. Contact: Mr. X Tel: 029- Email: Company address: Shaanxi province Xian city Baqiao road x Bus route: take the subway to the (x) - X - (x), to the road to x District, to the east of X meters! XX 20XX.X.X _先生/女士: 您好! 我公司人力资源部通过_收到您的简历,感谢您对我公司的信任和选择。 经过人力资源部初步筛选,我们认为您基本具备_ 岗位的任职资格,因此正式 通知您来我公司参与面试。 具体要求详见如下。 一、面试时间:20xx 年 10 月 10 日上午 10 点 二、面试地点:*区 88 号*写字楼 C 区 8 层 人力资源部 三、路途: 1.自驾车路途:略 2.公交车路途:888 路、666 路、999 路到*站下车 四、携带资料 1.携带个人简历、身份证、学历证书等相关证书及复印件 2.个人一寸免冠、近期、彩色照片 1 张 五、联系方式 1.联系人:人力资源部,刘小姐 2.联系电话:010-88xx8888 3.如有其他不明事宜请与我们联系 单位名称: (盖章) 年月日 英语面试邀请函(二) _ Sir / Madam: hello! Our company human resources department _ received your resume through, thank you for your trust and choice. After an initial screening of the human resources department, we believe that you have the job qualifications, thus officially inform you to our company to participate in the interview. Specific requirements are as follows. An interview time: 10 * * * * * may day morning Interview place: two, * * * *, * * * * * * * * layer office of human resources department Three, route: 1 self driving route: 2 bus routes: * * * * * * * * * Road, road, the road to stop * * * Four, carry data 1 carry resume, ID card, education certificate and other relevant certificates and a copy of 2, recently, one inch color photo 1 Five, contact 1 contact: HR department, * Ms. 2 Tel: *-* 3 if there are other unknown matters please contact us Name of Institution: (Gai Zhang) * * * * * day _先生/女士: 您好! 我公司人力资源部通过_收到您的简历,感谢您对我公司的信任和选择。 经过人力资源部初步筛选,我们认为您基本具备_ 岗位的任职资格,因此正式通知您来我公司参与面试。具体要求详见如下。 一、面试时间:*年*月*日上午10点 二、面试地点:*区*号*写字楼*区*层 人力资源部 三、路途: 1.自驾车路途:略 2.公交车路途:*路、*路、*路到*站下车 四、携带资料 1.携带个人简历、身份证、学历证书等相关证书及复印件 2.个人一寸免冠、近期、彩色照片1张 五、联系方式 1.联系人:人力资源部,*小姐 2.联系电话:*-* 3.如有其他不明事宜请与我们联系 单位名称:(盖章) 年月日 来源: 1/5
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