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Unit 1 this is my new friend lesson 5 教学设计【教学目标】I. Teaching Aims:A. Linguistic Factors:Letters: U u-uniform, V v-vest, W w-watch, X x-box, Y y-yacht, Z z-zebroNew Vocabulary: doctor, nurse, driver (3 skills)Target Language: Whats your mother?Shes a doctor.Language Functions: Introduce his/her mother to others.B. Task Activities: Learn to read and write the letters.Learn to read and write the words.Learn to read and say the new dialogue.C. Intelligence Development: Develop the ability for fast response.D. Moral Education: Get along well with others.Enjoy English.【教学重难点】II. Key & Difficult Points:A. Letters, new vocabulary and target language.B. Dialogue.C. Group work.【教学准备】IV. Teaching Aids:A tape recorder, pictures and some letter cards.【课时数】1课时【教学过程】I. Teaching Procedures:Step One: GreetingsStep Two: Warm-up1. Review the letters, words and drills theyve learned last lesson.2. Act out the dialogues theyve made in role.Step Three: Presentation1. Learn the letters: U u-uniform, V v-vest, W w-watch, X x-box, Y y-yacht, Z z-zebro. (Use the letter cards.)(Write the new letters on the blackboard.)2. Learn the new vocabulary “doctor, nurse, postman” by using the pictures.(Write the new words on the blackboard.)3. Learn the target language “Whats your mother?Shes a doctor.”.4. Learn the dialogue.Step Four: Practice1. Ask the students to listen to the tape recorder, and repeat after it.2. Let the students practice the dialogue in groups.3. Get the students to act out the dialogue in role.4. Lets chant.My father is a doctor.My mother is a nurse.My uncle is a postman.My aunt is a driver.Step Five: AssessmentMake the assessment individually, in groups and in chorus.【课后练习作业】VI. Homework:Must do: Copy the letters and the new vocabulary.Read the dialogue and recite it.Choose to do: Make innovation.Make up new dialogues in groups.Prepare for the next lesson.【板书】Unit 1 This is my new friend.Lesson 5U u V v W w X x Y y Z z
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