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Unit 1 How can we become good learners学习目标1、知识目标:on ones own , bit by bit, instead of 2、技能目标:1)学会使用Verb +by doing .2)学会介绍学习方法。学习重点英语学习方法介绍。学习难点英语学习方法介绍。学习过程自主空间一、独立自主学习(5)1.完成3a. 二、合作互助学习任务一:同桌交流3a的答案,然后列提纲。任务二:依据提纲及3a的表格内容,恰当运用3b的句型,写一封信介绍英语学习方法。任务三:小组内互相批改作文,指出优点和不足。教师点评。三 、展示引导学习:1.各组展示最佳作文,评比。2.Key points: on ones own , 独自,独立地译:他现在自食其力。_.bit by bit 一点一点地 (=little by little)译:努力学习并一点一点地去记所有的信息而不是等到最后才学习。_.四)评价提升学习:一根据首字母完成单词1.Its very dangerous to drive at a high s_ in the street.2.The teacher asked us to read the notes and r_ what we learned this term.3.Mr. Brown c_ a new way to mend the car quickly.4.This road c_ the two cities togetheer.5.I hate to r_ this action over and over again.二By 的用法练习:1. 这个男孩正坐在窗户边。The boy is sitting _.2.我能在六点前完成我的作业。I can finish doing my homework 。3.我父亲坚持乘火车去北京。My father often goes to Beijing _.4.你是通过看报纸学习英语的吗?Do you learn English _?5.顺便问一下,几点了?_,what time is it ?三根据汉语意思完成句子(词数不限)1.她应该通过读意群来提高她的阅读速度。She should improve her reading speed _.2.有些单词我不会读。I cant _.3.但是你是否做好取决于你的学习习惯。But whether or not you can do it well _.4.知识源于质疑。Knowledge comes from _.5.当你旅行的时候,应该注意天气。When you go on a trip ,you should _ the weather.五、课堂小结:1.我的收获:2.我的困惑:
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