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Remarks in an Exchange of Toasts at State Dinnerby Barack Obama, President of the United States of AmericaState Dining Room, White House, WashingtonJanuary 19, 2011在欢迎胡锦涛主席国宴上的致辞美利坚合众国总统 巴拉克奥巴马美国华盛顿 白宫 国宴厅2011年1月19日Good evening, everybody. Please have a seat. On behalf of Michelle and myself, welcome to the White House. And thank you for joining us as we host President Hu and the Chinese delegation, and as we pay tribute to the bonds between two great nations and two proud peoples.大家晚上好。请坐。米歇尔和我欢迎大家光临白宫。感谢各位与我们一道欢迎胡锦涛主席和中国代表团,对中美两国和人民的紧密关系致意。There are too many distinguished guests to mention all of you tonight. But I do want to acknowledge a few who have championed relations between our nations: First of all, President Jimmy Carter and his wonderful wife Rosalynn Carter are here. As well as President Bill Clinton and my outstanding Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. 今晚在座的有非常多的贵宾,我想特别介绍一下对我们两国关系起到关键作用的人:吉米卡特总统和他的夫人罗萨琳卡特,还有比尔克林顿总统及我们出色的国务卿希拉里克林顿。President Hu, we have met today in a spirit of mutual respect: the United States - the oldest democracy in the world, and China - one of the oldest civilizations in the world. And while its easy to focus on our differences of culture and perspective, let us never forget the values that our people share: A reverence for family; the belief that, with education and hard work and with sacrifice, the future is what we make it; and most of all, the desire to give our children a better life. 胡主席,今天的聚会体现了我们相互尊重的精神,美国是世界上最悠久的民主制度国家,中国是世界上最古老的文明之一。我们很容易将注意力放在文化与观点的差别之上,但我们也不应该忘记两国人民共有的价值观对家庭的重视,对通过教育、勤奋和牺牲创造未来的信念,更重要的,对子女提供更好生活的愿望。Lets also never forget that throughout our history our people have worked together for mutual progress. Weve traded together for more than 200 years. We stood together in the Second World War. Chinese immigrants and Chinese Americans have helped to build America, including many who join us here tonight.我们也不应该忘记历史上我们两国人民为了共同的进步而共同努力。我们有二百多年的贸易历史,在二战中我们并肩作战,中国的移民和华裔美国人对美国的建设做出了贡献,其中包括许多今晚在座的嘉宾。The Chinese and American people work together and create new opportunities together every single day. Mr. President, today weve shown that our governments can work together as well, for our mutual benefit. And that includes this bit of news - under a new agreement, our National Zoo will continue to dazzle children and visitors with the beloved giant pandas.中美两国人民每天都在共同努力创造新的机会。主席先生,今天我们也表明了两国政府可以同样为了共同的利益一起努力,其中也包括这条消息根据一项新的协议,我们的国家动物园将可以继续保留吸引孩子和游客们的中国大熊猫。Im told that there is a Chinese proverb that says: If you want one year of prosperity, then grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, then grow trees. But if you want 100 years of prosperity, then you grow people. 我知道一句中国的谚语:一年树谷,十年树木,百年树人。And so I propose a toast - to our people, the citizens of the Peoples Republic of China and the United States of America. May they grow together in friendship. May they prosper together in peace. And may they realize their dream of the future for themselves, for their children, and for their grandchildren. 所以我提议让我们一起举杯为我们的人民,中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国的公民。愿两国人民加深友谊,和平繁荣,实现自己及子孙的未来的梦想!Ganbei. 干杯!在奥巴马总统举行的欢迎国宴上的致辞中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛美国华盛顿 白宫 国宴厅2011年1月19日Remarks in an Exchange of Toasts at State Dinnerby H.E. Hu Jintao, President of the Peoples Republic of ChinaState Dining Room, White House, WashingtonJanuary 19, 2011尊敬的奥巴马总统和夫人,各位来宾,女士们、先生们,朋友们,President Obama and Mrs. Obama, Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen, Dear friends, 晚上好!应奥巴马总统的邀请,我很高兴再次来到美国进行国事访问。一踏上这片美丽的土地,我们就受到美国政府和人民的盛情款待。今天晚上,奥巴马总统又为我们举行欢迎宴会,并发表了热情洋溢的讲话。我谨代表我的同事们,并以我个人的名义,向奥巴马总统和夫人,向在座的美国朋友们,表示衷心的感谢,并通过你们向热情友好的美国人民转达中国人民的良好祝愿,向所有关心和支持中美关系发展的美国各界人士致以诚挚的问候。Good evening. I am delighted to once again come to the United States and pay a state visit at the invitation of President Obama. Since setting foot on this beautiful land, we have received the gracious hospitality of the U.S. government and people. This evening President Obama is hosting this welcoming dinner for us, and has just made warm remarks. On behalf of my colleagues and in my own name, I want to express heartfelt thanks to President and Mrs. Obama and other American friends present today. I also wish to convey through you the best wishes of the Chinese people to the friendly American people and extend cordial greetings to people from various sectors of the United States who have given care and support to the growth of U.S.-China relations.我这次应奥巴马总统的邀请访问美国,目的是增进互信,加强友谊,深化合作,推动二十一世纪积极、合作、全面的中美关系继续向前发展。近年来,特别是奥巴马总统就职两年来,在双方的共同努力下,中美关系得到长足发展,两国广泛领域交流合作不断扩大,双方在重大的国际和地区问题上保持密切沟通和协调,为促进亚太地区乃至世界的和平、稳定、繁荣发挥了积极作用。The purpose of my visit is to increase mutual trust, enhance friendship, deepen cooperation and advance the positive, cooperative and comprehensive China-U.S. relationship for the 21st century. In recent years, particularly over t
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