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1. relaxing adj. 轻松的,放松的;(气候)令人无精打采的,令人懒洋洋的 relaxed 轻松的2. suppose V. 以为,推断,料想;suppose (that)以为suppose sb./sth./ (to be) +adj./n. 以为某人/某物I don t suppose (that) 我以为.不(否定前移)I suppose (I think ) 我以为be supposed to do/be (按规定,适应,安排等)理应,应该;一样以为,人们普遍以为be not supposed to do sth. 不该当,不准,不得be supposed to have done 本应该做而事实上未做。3. complain vi. 抱怨,投诉complain to sb. about sth. 向某人抱怨/投诉某事complain of 诉说(病情或痛楚)complain that 抱怨/投诉complaint n. 抱怨,不满的缘故,控诉make a complaint about 对提出投诉4. switch on = turn on 把开关打开,接通switch off = turn off 把关掉,关上 switch over 转换频道,转变 5. go off (1)开火;爆炸(2)突然发出巨响(3)(电)中断,(电灯等)熄灭(4)变坏;(食物,饮料)变质6. take up (1)占有(时刻),占据(空间)(2)学着做,开始做(3)开始从事(4)一路唱(5)同意(建议或能取得的东西)7. be filled with 充满,装满,注满fill in填写;打发/消磨fill out 填写fill up 充满,填满be full of 充满8. bored 厌烦的,不感爱好的(修饰人)boring 令人厌烦的,乏味的(修饰物)be/get bored with 对感到厌烦9. one 指代上文显现的可数名词单数,强调同名异物ones 替代上文显现过的可数名词复数,强调同名异物it 同一事物,只代替可数名词单数和不可数名词that 替代上文显现的“同类”事物,但并非同一事物,用以替代“the+名词”those 替代上文显现的“同类”事物,但并非完全相同的事物,且只代替可数名词复数。 10.without + n. 若表虚拟意义,主句的形式是:(1) 主语+would/could + 动词原形(表示与此刻或以后事实相反的一种假设) (2) 主语+would/could+完成时态(表示与过去事实相反的一种假设)11.take care it takes sb. some time to do sth.pay sb. pays for sth.Sb. pays some money for sth.spend sb. spends some time/money on sth.sb. spends some time/money in doing sth.sb. spends some money on doing sth.cost sth. costs some money12.get + 过去分词(1) 表示被动,可用于指件事意想不到地,突然地或偶然地发生;(2)表示状态,现在,过去分词的形容词性专门强。get hurt 受伤 get drunk get killed get lost get separated get tired get bored get paid get dressed13. 不定式作后置定语14.suffer vi, (因疾病,痛楚)受苦,受难vt.蒙受 ,蒙受 。通常指结果 ,其后常跟pain/defeat/loss/povery/hunger/punishment/hardship/damage 等。 15.pressure n. (U)压力put pressure on 向施加压力under pressure 在压力下16. reduce vt. 减少,缩小;使陷入(常常利用于被动语态)。搭配为: reduce to (to 表示增减的结果)reduceby 把减少了(by 表示增减的幅度)be reduced to (doing) sth. 陷入某种境况17.organize vt. 组织; 安排;筹备,筹备organizer 组织者organization 组织者;发起者18.diet n. (c) 节食,饮食a balanced dietbe/go on a diet19.stand (1)常常利用用否定句和疑问句中;(2)其后可接名词,代词和动名词(的复合结构)作宾语; (3)常与 can, could 连用20.prefer v. 更喜爱,宁愿prefer + 名词或代词prefer to do prefer doing 更喜爱。更情愿做(偏向具体的动作)更情愿做(偏向普遍的行为适应)prefer sb. to do sth. 更情愿让某人做某事prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做 A 而不肯做 Bprefer doing A to doing B 宁愿做 A 而不肯做 B21.take turns to do / doing sth 连番做某事by turns 连番地,依次 in turn 连番的,依次的;转而22.graduate vi. 毕业(常与 from 连用) graduate n. 大学毕业生;学士 graduate from + 学校graduate in + 专业23. challenge n. 挑战 v. 对怀疑(或质疑);向挑战challenge sb. to do sth向某人挑战做accept/respond to/ take up a challenge 同意挑战mount a challenge 发起挑战24.support vt. & n. 支持,拥护; vt. 支持,支撑; vt. 抚育,养活 in support of 支持support sb. in sth. 在某方面支持某人25.design v. 设计;构思。n. 设计,布局;装饰图案by design故意的,故意的be designed for 为而设计26.solve v. 处置;解决;解答settle 解决,其对象一样是某种争端。settle an issue/ an argument/ a quarrel27.How do/does/did feel about?What do you think of?How do you like/find?What is /are +主语+like?28.must do 表示对此刻情形的确信推测must have done 表示对过去发生的情形的确信29.crowded adj. 拥堵的be crowded with 挤满30.nearby adj. 周围的; adv. 在周围31.otherwise conj. & adv. 不然,不然(=or/or else )通常常利用于“祈使句+Otherwise + 陈述句”。adv. 另外,除此之外。可位于句首,句中或句末。Otherwise 可作为含蓄条件句的一个标志,含蓄条件句通常以简单句的形式显现,表示与过去, 此刻或以后情形相反的假设,谓语形式为;would / could + do ( 对此刻和以后的假设)would/could +have done ( 对过去的假设)32.forecast-forecast/forecasted- forecast/forecasted33.distance n. 距离at a distance 离一段距离at a distance of 在远的地址from a distance 从远方in the distance 在远处34.so + adj./adv.+that 从句adj.+ a/an +that 从句many/few +可数名词复数+that 从句much/little +不可数名词+that 从句such + a/an +adj.+ 可数名词单数+that 从句adj. +可数名词复数+that 从句adj. +不可数名词+that 从句35.anyway (=anyhow) adv.(1)(转换话题,终止谈话或回到原话题时说)不管如何,不管如何,终归 (2)尽管,即便如此(3)而且;加上;终归36.at the moment 此刻,目前at any moment 任何时候in a moment 立刻,马上(表以后)a moment ago 适才for a moment 一会儿(表一段时刻)the moment (that) 一就37.over “在期间”over time 渐渐低,慢慢地38.as a result of (=because of ) 由于as a result 结果;因此(独立作状语用)result from.起因于, 因为.的结果(后接名词或代词,做状语用)result in 致使;致使;造成with the result that 其结果是39.come up with 想出(方法,答案)put up with 容忍keep up with 跟上catch up with 赶上40.play an important role/part in 在中发挥重要的作用41.remote 指在时刻或距离上是遥远的,也指在情感,爱好等方面距离专门大,还指关系方面的 疏远。distant 指时刻,空间上的遥远,也指亲属关系上的远。far 用来表示实际距离的远和时刻的遥远,还可指引申意义的远。42.take up, 占(时刻或空间);开始从事某事(尤指职业)take down, 拿下;拆除;记下take off, (飞机等)起飞;脱下(衣帽等);(观念,产品等);突然大受欢迎take on 呈现(不用于被动语态)43.
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