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为什么科比离婚篇一:科比被怀疑再次出轨 老婆申请离婚要分一半身家 .“今日新闻网” 中新网12月17日电 美国著名篮球明星科比布莱恩特老婆瓦妮莎布莱恩特,于美国时间16日下午,向当地法院申请离婚,结束两人10年半的婚姻。 据.“今日新闻”消息,瓦妮莎认为两人之间有着难以妥协的差异,但也有媒体指称,瓦妮莎之所以想离婚,是因为她认为科比又再次出轨。2021年科比曾在科罗拉多被控强暴,没几天他买了颗大钻戒向老婆“赔罪”。后来科比开记者会,坦承犯了“天下男人都会犯的错”,瓦妮莎也出席力挺老公。此案最后因控方不出庭告终。 在一份公关人员代两人发表明中指出,科比夫妇已经谈妥离婚细节,不过手续会等到明年才完成。他们希望接下来新年假期里,媒体能尊重隐私,保障两名女儿(8岁、5岁)的权益。 科比和瓦妮莎在2021年4月结婚,两人并没有签属婚前协议,所以瓦妮莎可以拿走科比一半财产。根据富比士统计,科比是今年收入第二高的运动员,仅次于高尔夫天王伍兹。科比新球季薪水2500万美金,下季2800万,再下季更提高到3000万。瓦妮莎除了可以拿到赡养费,她还要争取两名女儿的监护权。 篇二:科比妻子申请离婚 小飞侠再次出轨偷腥? 科比妻子申请离婚 小飞侠再次出轨偷腥? One week after Kobe Bryants Los Angeles Lakers were denied a trade that would have landed superstar point guard Chris Paul, Kobe received more bad news. 就在科比效力的湖人队没能招揽来巨星控球后卫克里斯保罗一周后,深感失望的科比又收到了一些坏消息。 Vanessa Bryant signed the papers on Dec. 1. Kobe Bryant signed his response on Dec. 7 and it was filed Friday, according to the documents. 根据文件显示,科比妻子瓦妮莎于12月1日签署离婚文件,而科比则于7号在离婚协议书上签字同意。 The filing of the documents comes more than eight years after Vanessa Bryant stuck by the basketball icon when he was accused of sexually assaulting a Colorado woman. The case was dropped when his accuser refused to testify, but the former league MVP admitted being unfaithful to his wife and settled a civil suit filed by the woman. 篮球巨星科比曾在2021年被一位科罗拉多女性指控强暴深陷性丑闻,当时妻子瓦妮莎还力挺老公。不过是八年时间,这对篮球世界的金童玉女最终签署离婚协议分道扬镳。03年的性侵案件后来因为原告拒绝出席作证而不了了之,但这位联盟前MVP承认对妻子不忠,与该女性以民事诉讼私下解决。 Unnamed sources told celebrity news website TMZ that Vanessa Bryant was filing for divorce because she believed her husband had been unfaithful again. 一位未透露姓名的消息来源告诉美国名人消息网TMZ,科比的妻子申请离婚,是因为她认为丈夫再次出轨不忠。 Shes been dealing with these incidents for a long time and has been a faithful wife, but shes finally had enough, one source said. This one is the straw that broke the camels back. 消息称:“瓦妮莎一直疲于处理丈夫的这些花边新闻,她一直对丈夫忠心耿耿,但是现在她已经受够了,这件事简直是压死骆驼的最后一根稻草。” A representative for the couple released a statement saying, The Bryants have resolved all issues incident to their divorce privately with the assistance of counsel and a Judgment dissolving their marital status will be entered in 2021.Also in the statement, the Bryants ask that in the interest of our young children and in light of the upcoming holiday season the public respect our privacy during this difficult time. 在一份公关人员代两人发表的声明中指出,科比夫妇已经在法律顾问的协助下私下谈妥离婚细节,不过手续会等到明年才完成,这也就意味着他们的婚姻关系要到明年才能结束。声明还表示,希望在接下来的新年假期里,媒体能尊重隐私,保障两名女儿(8岁、5岁)的权益。 In the filing, Vanessa Bryant asked for joint legal and physical custody of the couples two daughters, Natalia, 8, and Gianna, 5. Kobe Bryant asked for the same in his response. Vanessa Bryant also requested spousal support. Kobe Bryant has earned roughly $200 million not including endorsements during his 15-year career with the Lakers, but may have to give up half of his assets as part of a divorce settlement, as the couple is not believed to have signed a prenuptial agreement, TMZ reported. 根据TMZ消息网的报道,瓦妮莎在离婚申请中要求和科比共同监护抚养两个女儿,科比也作出同样地要求。瓦妮莎同时要求科比支付配偶赡养费。科比为洛杉矶湖人队效力了15个赛季,收入粗略估计2亿美元(这还不包括代言收入)。由于这对夫妻在婚前没有签署婚前协议,所以要解决离婚,瓦妮莎可能要分掉科比一半身家。 Bryant met his future wife in 1999 on a music video shoot when Vanessa Laine was 18 years old. Six months later, she and the then-20-year-old Bryant became engaged. They married on April 18, 2021 after Bryant had turned 22. 1999年,20岁的科比在一次音乐录影带的拍摄中认识了19岁的瓦妮莎,两人一见钟情,六个月后就闪电订婚。2021年4月18日两人完婚。篇三:雅思阅读材料之科比妻子申请离婚 智课网IELTS备考资料 雅思阅读材料之科比妻子申请离婚 出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别 Kobe Bryants Wife Files For Divorce He Cheated Too Much 科比布莱恩特妻子申请离婚 小飞侠疑出轨偷腥被抓 One week after Kobe Bryants Los Angeles Lakers were denied a trade that would have landed superstar point guard Chris Paul, Kobe received more bad news. 就在科比效力的湖人队没能招揽来巨星控球后卫克里斯保罗一周后,深感失望的科比又收到了一些坏消息。 Vanessa Bryant signed the papers on Dec. 1. Kobe Bryant signed his response on Dec. 7 and it was filed Friday, according to the documents. 根据文件显示,科比妻子瓦妮莎于12月1日签署离婚文件,而科比则于7号在离婚协议书上签字同意。 The filing of the documents comes more than eight years after Vanessa Bryant stuck by the basketball icon when he was accused of sexually assaulting a Colorado woman. The case was dropped when his accuser refused to testify, but the former league MVP admitted being unfaithful to his wife and settled a civil suit filed by the woman. 篮球巨星科比曾在2021年被一位科罗拉多女性指控强暴深陷性丑闻,当时妻子瓦妮莎还力挺老公。不过是八年时间,这对篮球世界的金童玉女最终签署离婚协议分道扬镳。03年的性侵案件后来因为原告拒绝出席作证而不了了之,但这位联盟前MVP承认对妻子不忠,与该女性以民事诉讼私下解决。 Unnamed sources told celebrity news website TMZ that Vanessa Bryant was filing for divorce because she believed her husband had been unfaithful again. 一位未透露姓名的消息来源告诉美国名人消息网TMZ,科比的妻子申请离婚,是因为她认为丈夫再次出轨不忠。 Shes been dealing with these incidents for a long time and has been a faithful wife, but shes finally had enough, one source said. This one is the straw that broke the camels back. 消息称:“瓦妮莎一直疲于处理丈夫的这些花边新闻,她一直对丈夫忠心耿耿,但是现在她已经受够了,这件事简直
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