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时间:2012年10月9日地点:南州中学初二(3)教学内容:八上Unit2,Topic1,Section A课时:第一课时(40分钟)执教:文淑芬学习目标1、学会如何表达身体的不适。2、初步学习使用should/should not 表达提建议的用法。3、树立关心他人的情感意识。学习重点:学会如何表达身体的不适学习疑点:同重点. Teaching aids 小黑板、 多媒体. 学习步骤:Step1:问候师生相互问候,值日生组织课前复习。Step2:引入和目标展示 T:Boys and girls, now we know something about the sports. I want to ask you some questions. Do you like sports? S: Yes, very much. T:What kind of sport do you often do in your free time?S2:I often play football.S3:Sometimes I play table tennis with my classmates. T:Why do you like sports? (运用肢体语言,启发学生回答。) S: It can build me up. T:I think so. Wonderful! Doing sports is a good way to keep healthy. Do you agree with me? (教师面带微笑,亲切地询问。)Ss:Yes!T:This unit, we will taik about health.(show the aims)Step3: 学生自学单词教师教师巡导。Step4:合作学习并小组展示1. T:How are you feeling today?S: Im fine, thank you, and you?T:Im not very well. (说着,老师形象地表现出生病的样子。)S:Whats wrong with you?T: I think I have a cold.S:You should go to see a docter.T:I think I will. Thank you! 2.T:Look at the pictures, Lets see some sicknesses in common. PPT展示表示病痛的图片,引出Whats wrong with sb的句型以及I have +疾病名称表示身体不适的方法。然后小组合作进行对话演练。3.(教师引导学生用Whats wrong with you?或Whats the matter with you?句式提问,教师表演并回答。)Ss:Whats wrong with you? (教师作咳嗽状。)T:I have a cough.Ss:Whats the matter with you? (教师作头疼状。)T:I have a headache.(板书并要求学生掌握。)cough, headacheSs:Whats wrong with you?(教师作背痛状。)T:I have a backache.(板书并要求学生理解。)backacheSs:Whats wrong with you?(教师出示一张显示某人发烧的图片,并做回答。)T:I have a fever.(板书并要求学生掌握。)feverSs:Whats the matter with you?(教师作流鼻涕状。)T:I have the flu.(板书并要求学生掌握。)fluSs:Whats wrong with you?(教师作胃痛状。)T:I have a stomachache.(板书并要求学生理解。)stomachacheSs:What should you do?(作休息状。)T:I should take a rest.(板书并要求学生掌握。)take a rest4. (让学生听1a录音,并回答问题)T: Theres something wrong with Kangkang. What is it? Please listen to the dialog in 1a, then answer the following questions:(1) Whats wrong with Kangkang?(2) What should he do?(核对答案。).(让学生跟读录音并标出关键词。让学生分角色朗读,齐读。)5.小组课前展示的点评,点评过程中讲解新单词。其他小组做补充。6.快速浏览课文找出需要的句型及表达方法。(在小黑板上做补充、讲解。)完成后让学生跟读,对所学单词、短语进行巩固,加深印象。Step5:巩固练习Pair work:通过比赛,营造活跃的课堂气氛,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生的语言运用能力。1. (两人一组操练对话,完成1b。) T: Please practice the dialog in 1b in pairs and then act it out.2. 2. (教师出示图片,模仿1a编对话,完成1c。以巩固关于疾病的表达及所给予的建议。)T:Ill ask two students to make a dialog like 1a. Suppose one is a doctor, the other one is a patient.S1:Whats wrong with you?S2:I have sore eyes.Step6:综合探究活动鼓励学生在实践活动中学习英语知识,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。分小组进行对话练习,一个同学表演病人,另两位同学根据表演的内容模仿1a编对话,进一步巩固所学内容,提高口语能力。 T: Please make a dialog like the example, then act it out.Example:S1: Ouch! (手摸脸,假装疼痛的样子。)S2: Whats wrong with him?S3:He has a toothache.S2: Oh, he should see a dentist.T: Well done! Thank you.Srep7:课堂评价1. 知识总结。本节课学会了什么(学习班长)2. 小组评价。(教师)板书设计:Topic1: Youd better go to see a doctor.Whats wrong with ?Whats the matter with ?You should see a dentist.Im sorry to hear that.I hope youll get well soon.You should/shouldntSection Acoldfevertoothachecoughheadachebackache have a 课后反思: 1
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