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浅谈新课程理念下的英语阅读课怎样上吴 刚摘 要:英语阅读作为语言技能的重要组成部分,作为语言输入的主要环节之一,在英语教学中占有重要地位。培养学生的阅读能力是主要教学目标之一。本篇论文提出了研究的问题,探讨解决的策略,在新课程理念的指导下引导学生参与、体验英语阅读的快乐,激发学生阅读的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯,形成积极的学习态度和有效的学习策略。关键词: 目标 阅读 技能 方法 模式 原则随着课改的深入,阅读课如何上,成为了许多教师和教育工作者探索的问题。长期以来,初中英语教师所沿用的是以教师为主的原则,教师讲解占去了课堂主要时间,无法给学生的实践提供足够的机会,使学生成为语言知识的消极接受者。事实上外语学习的首要任务是“学”不是“教”。英语不同于其它基础学科,它是一门实践课,其语言技能是需要通过学生个人的实践才能培养和提高。因此,它的教学效果应以学生的学习效果为依据,而学习效果很大程度上取绝于学生的主观能动性和参与性,认知理论认为,英语学习的过程也就是新旧知识不断结合的过程,也就是语言能力从理论知识转化为自动应用的过程,而这种结合和转换都必须通过自身活动才能得以实现。新英语课程标准把阅读技能目标描述为:朗读各种文体、英文诗词、报刊杂志、原著及各种商品说明书等非专业技术性资料并理解大意,找出或获取中心意思、作者意图、观点和态度的相关信息。根据情景、上下文、构词法、句子结构来猜测生词或词组的意思,分析句子结构、理解句子,理顺事件发生顺序,人物行为,预测事件情节发展和可能的结局。用参考资料、工具书、网络等不同资源、渠道,推理、提取筛选、重组加工信息,解决各种问题。进而培养良好的阅读习惯、阅读策略,形成阅读兴趣,最终提高阅读能力。为了更有效地进行阅读教学我们还应搞清楚以下几方面的问题:什么叫阅读?阅读教学的目的是什么?阅读教学的模式以及教学各环节的目标是什么?阅读教学各环节应训练的阅读技能和活动设计有哪些?如何在阅读课上使词汇、语音以及听、说、写的技能得到发展?一、什么是阅读?阅读课教学与课文教学的区别? 阅读不再被看成是简单、被动的字符释义,是被动吸收语言知识的“接受性技能”,而是读者与原文之间的沟通与交流,是一个积极思维过程。阅读课教学与课文教学的区别?主要在于切入平台的不同.阅读课多是从语篇文章切入,而课文教学切入的平台可能是对话、诗歌或语音材料等,当然也包括语篇材料。二、中学阅读课主要的教学目的是什么?中学阅读课主要的教学目的有:1、 巩固和扩大所学的词汇;2、 巩固和扩大所学的语法;3、 训练学生的阅读技能和方法;4、 提高说话与写作的能力;5、 提高学生的文化意识。三、如何提高学生的阅读能力?为了提高学生的阅读能力,使他们成为一个有效的阅读者,教师应尽可能做到以下几点:1、 提高学生的语言能力,如丰富的词汇积累和语法知识和快速的解码技能等;2、 相关的背景知识介绍;3、 阅读技能的训练:(1)、 应用阅读技能进行阅读这项能力的培养;(2) 加强学生文化意识的培养;(3) 通过四个不同层面的问题进行信息的加工,提高学生批判性阅读能力的提高。那么,如何设计这四种不同层面的问题呢?请阅读以下英文内容:Level oneLiteral comprehension questions Literal comprehension questions require you to show that you understand what is directly stated in a passage. That means they can be found directly in the text.Level twoInferential (Interpretive) comprehension questions Inferential (Interpretive) comprehension questions ask you to show that you understand what is stated indirectly in a passage. By using your prior knowledge, you can probably infer a good answer. Teachers interpretive questions should always be followed by “Wheres your evidence from the text to support the interpretive?”Level threeApplied comprehension questionsApplied comprehension questions require that you use information and ideas from a passage in a new situation.There are two kinds of applied comprehension questions: those that apply your understanding of the main ideas and details that are contained in a passage; those that apply your understanding of the writers attitude.This thinking level encourages the reader to answer the question “What does the idea mean to me?” The teacher should insist the reader support this evaluation with evidence from the text and other sources including personal experiences.Level fourAnalytical comprehension questionsAnalytical comprehension questions make you think about how different ideas are related. When you analyze a passage, you look at the relationships among the write, the words that the writer uses, and the reader.四、主要阅读技能介绍1、Skimming: a type of rapid reading techniques which is used when the reader wants to get the main idea or ideas from a passage.2、 Scanning: a type of speed reading techniques which is used when the reader wants to locate a particular piece of information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage.3、Previewing: a quick once-over of the material to gain a clue or hint of what is to come by recognizing the topic and visualizing pictures, diagrams, charts, etc. As you preview, look at how the material is organized. That is, try to make a mental outline of what you read. Note where the passage begins. Note where the last item related to the passage ends. Read the topic or question that precedes the passage. Use it to focus on important ideas. Notice any words and phrases in the passage that are repeated or that are set off by capital letters, italics, or bold type.4、 Making inferences: making use of syntactic, logical and cultural clues to discover the meaning of unknown elements. These may be the writers opinions and attitudes which are not directly stated in the text. The writers specific choice of words or language types may reflect his real meaning. This skill is often called “reading between the lines”. Infer the meaning of lexical items; Infer attitude and opinion; Infer the purpose of the article; Understand implied information.5、 Predicting: using ones own knowledge of content, language and the outside world to make predictions about and interpret a text.6、 Identifying main ideas: Knowing what the ideas the author is expressing about the topic.7、 Guessing the meaning of new words: by using context clues and knowledge of word parts to solve vocabulary problem.8、 Questioning: asking questions as if in a dialogue in a text. Read the topic or the question that precedes the passage again. Look for the answer to that question as you read. Read each item or question that is based on the passage. Put the question in your own words. Look for the answers to the questions as you read. Whenever an author introduces a new idea, stop
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