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Section Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner 品句填词1Rice is the chief (主要的) crop in most southern provinces of China.2This wounded soldier was unconscious because of his loss (失去) of blood.3They are seeking (寻找) the most balanced diet which will do good to their health.4The few hours I spent in the library had brought back my old passion (激情) for reading.5Since the early age of the computers favorite, I chose the IT profession (职业)6Good leaders must be able to motivate and inspire (鼓舞) their teams.7I never blame (责备) failuresthere are too many complicated situations in life.8The beggar sat outside the building asking passersby (过路人) for money.9While watching out for the tall man in a black hat, he found another suspect (嫌疑人)10A knowledge of economics is fundamental (根本的) to any understanding of this problem. 单句改错1The boy was tiring of this game, and he began to watch TV.tiringtired2You will end up in the debt if you keep on spending money like that.去掉the3The discovery of new evidence led to the thief be caught.bebeing4I have made it clear whether tomorrows meeting will be put off till the day after tomorrow because of the bad weather.whetherthat5Im very glad to put on a performance here on the behalf of our school.去掉the 课文语篇改错Leonardo was born in a small town in Tuscany, in the centre of Italy. At the school his teachers were astonishing by his talent. But Leonardo thought his progresses was disappointing because he hasnt learnt enough. So instead relaxing evenings spent with friends, Leonardo preferred studying Latin by him.He was good at something: he was a strong athlete and he had a fine singing voice. But he was especially interested in painting. When he was 14 he went to work for a wellknown artist Verrocchio and soon became a great artist than his master. His first known drawing, showing a valley in Tuscany, is astonishing. It shows a complete new approach to perspective. The scene looks real.答案:Leonardo was born in a small town in Tuscany, in the centre of Italy. At school his teachers were by his talent. But Leonardo thought his was disappointing because he learnt enough. So instead relaxing evenings spent with friends, Leonardo preferred studying Latin by .He was good at : he was a strong athlete and he had a fine singing voice. But he was especially interested in painting. When he was 14 he went to work for wellknown artist Verrocchio and soon became a artist than his master. His first known drawing, showing a valley in Tuscany, is astonishing. It shows a new approach to perspective. The scene looks real. 单句语法填空1His speech was so inspiring (inspire) that his students were inspired to work (work) harder than ever before.2Suspected (suspect) of carrying drugs, the traveler was stopped by the customs officer.3In the early 1920s, thousands of people went to Australia to seek (seek) their fortune.4You may depend on it that they will look after your daughter when you are away for the meeting.5(2023年天津耀华中学高二月考)Its up to the travel companies to warn (warn) customers of any possible dangers.6I have made it clear that I have nothing to do with the accident.7Tom, rather than his teammates, was to blame (blame) for the failure of the volleyball match yesterday.8Make sure that you wont leave behind your wallet before leaving home.9After retirement, Mr.Smith took up painting, which he had always loved but had not had time for.10His wonderful performances appeal to all ages and social groups in China. 阅读理解Leonardo da Vinci, the son of a local lawyer, was born on 15 April 1452 near the Tuscan town of Vinci. He was apprenticed (做学徒) to the sculptor and painter Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence and in 1478 became an independent master. In about 1483, he moved to Milan to work for the ruling (统治的) Sforza family as an engineer, sculptor, painter and architect.Leonardo was in Milan until the city was invaded by the French in 1499 and the Sforza family was forced to flee. He may have visited Venice before returning to Florence. During his time in Florence, he painted several portraits, but the only one that survives is the famous portraitthe Mona Lisa (15031506). In 1506, Leonardo returned to Milan, staying there until 1513.This was followed by three years living in Rome. In 1517, at the invitation of the French King Francis , Leonardo moved to the Chateau of Cloux, near Amboise in France, where he died on 2 May,1519.The fame of Leonardos surviving paintings means that he has been regarded primarily as an artist, but the thousands of surviving pages of his notebooks show the most brilliant mind. He wrote and drew on subjects including geology, anatomy (解剖学), which he studied in order to paint the human form more exactly. He “invented” the bicycle, airplane, helicopter, and parachute some 500 years ahead of their time.If all these works had been published in an understandable form, L
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