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初级初三(上)半期考试 英 语试题(全卷共十一大题,满分150分,0分钟完卷)第卷(95分)听 力 部 分(30分)一、句子理解 。(每题1分,共分)听一遍,从A、B、三个选项中选出与你所听到的句子意思相似或相近的句子。1.A. Tomad Jac hve already sen te film.B. om hanteen teilm, btac has seeni.C Neiher Tm nr Jack hs en the film. A. Thr isnhin i th bx.B. ere re few boks in hbox.C. hee s abox inth hoe.3. . e gi isnt landhcn go o sol. hegirlwil go t wrk na wek.C. e giris ooweaktgo tosco.4. A. Jm cud atupal te frt.B im u eat nlysom f te fruitC. Jim didnt liethe rits atal5. A. Ittok hi tity mnues bu hisai shoes.B.e paid tir an f he trouses.C.This pair f se cos hm hrty yan6. AHpose a lttr his fenB. e roesme words nt eskC.Heleft mesgen thesk二、对话理解。(每题1分,共分)听两遍,根据你所听到的对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出对的的答案。7. A. bike B By bu C. On fot 8. A.No Phos!B.No Fhing! C.N Smoking!9. A. Oly onc B. Three times.Fe time10.ASix y . Eightyan . Fourt yuan 11. A By train B.By boat C.y lae1. A.4: 20 B. :40 C. :3三、短文理解。(每题分,共8分)听两遍,根据短文内容及问题,从、C三个选项中选出对的的答案。A13. Wherewas old to go?A. To a ofice To a sho CTo a factoy 14 Howi he go tothe ace?A. oot B. By bus CBy trin15. Hw ong id tai o fi te office?A. Hlf an hurB. Mo h anhu CA few ys 16. Whws the od woan surpried to seeckgin?A.Becase i wa not fr from h stion o the ofic. Becas sh hough Jack was stil looing fr teoffice.C. easethe office wa easyo find.B17. What did rReand Ms Read go oSydneyfr?A. o viit ei daugter. B Tospen teir holidays.C To uysething.18.Why dd the fidaplaceto leaeKtt?A. They couln tae it wththm. B. Theyddntlie i t allC. tty didn want t gSney19.Wh iMrRe ik thatKityhadnt enjoy t sty a tat lac?. Te at cried whnhe sawM.Rad.The a becamethinnr ha before.C. The ca keptcryg al he way.20.id r. ReabrigKtthome?A. Ye, e id B. N, h didt C. Surei .21. endd tey g to get Kitty bk?. Ealy he rnngB. Aterhe retrn ome fomSdny.C. The nxtay aftr te o to ydney. 笔 试部 分(65分)四、单项填空。(每题分,共2分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的对的答案。22. ot nowi she_ me hense _ n fi dysA. els,rve B. tes, wil arrive C. i tell, will arrive D. ill tell, ris. Hw man hours _to fy toNew ork rom Pis?Ado you sped .o itcost C.es it ake D. do o tke24. Gradmther_ a col sinc ast Suday.A ha auh B. ha had ad had had. -Whi ft w seaers wil you tke?-ll take _ Ty ook nearlth sa,nd Iut needon.A. both Bether C. noe D. l6. _ the ha a dtionary d_ one of e cn loo upord n th dictionary.A Eac ,eery B. Evry, c . Each, eah D. Eve,very27 The Olyic Gas_hld_A. is, ve fouryar B. are, eve foth yer C. , evey four rs.re, oncein four years28. Of h o pencil- boxe, he bycs _ .lss expensive B teest expenive C. theleexpensive .th most xensive . Th fat man always says his meatooks _ andells_. d, god . wll, ell C.goo,well D.wl,god30. The umber o he students i our scho_ore hnnd a mber o the _t o port ve much.are, ikes B.s , lie . are, ikeD. is, lkes 31 Theesnthng _.A. fo us to worry B. of oworry C. for u to wrrie D. for usto or abut3. I enronly _.A. s godbyt hi . sin godb o hi . to sa goode tohimD. hat t sy godbye to hi33.He is _ the misng pae.A sarchig B. searching fo C.seig of D. searchte oom34 He _ te ice ie f ynA aid buh C sen . cost 35.-I is aphot f _ at he agofive.-o retty tey ae!ALil and cys .Lly and Lucs C. Liy and Lu . Lilysand Lucy6. obody ecept M. reenand is cdre_ road fre.A. a bee t B. haben C. hvebee . hagne37.Isupoe the us btn o new ieas ntheab, _
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