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Unit 4 PYGMALIONPart 1 Teaching Design第一部分教学设计Period 3 A sample lesson plan for Using Language(MAKING THE BET)IntroductionLanguage is learned to be used in and for communication. So in this period we shall have the students read, listen, write and speak in English, making use of the focused words, collocations, structures and topic ideas covered in this unit. The following steps are offered to the teacher for reference: warming up by learning more about PYGMALION,reading and acting,copying the collocations, acting a play,closing down by learning to act.ObjectivesTo help students read the passage MAKING THE BETTo help students to use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writingProcedures1. Warming up by learning more about PYGMALIONWhen George Bernard Shaw wrote Pygmalion more than a half century ago, no one could have predicted his play would eventually be converted into one of the great musicals of our time - My Fair Lady - and an Academy Award winning motion picture. Generations of readers and theatergoers have found relevance in Shaws story of speech therapist Henry Higgins, who successfully transforms Liza Doolittle, a draggle-tailed guttersnipe, into a darling of high society who momentarily upsets his hard-edged reserve. The extraordinary wit of this master dramatist of the twentieth century cuts away at the artificiality of class distinctions to reveal that human clay can be molded into wondrous shapes.2. Reading and actingRead the text MAKING THE BET on page 33 to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicates, darken the connectives and underline all the useful collocations. 3. Copying the collocationsWhy do we learn collocations? Your language will be more natural and more easily understood. You will have alternative and richer ways of expressing yourself. It is easier for our brains to remember and use language in chunks or blocks rather than as single words.Now read the text and find the collocations.Collocations from MAKING THE BETsit deep in conversation坐着深切交谈, fancy oneself自负, pronounce twenty-four distinct vowel sounds清晰地发出24个元音, a common kind of girl with dirty nails普通的手指甲脏的姑娘, talk into对着讲话, get an interesting accent夹杂很有趣的口音, a bit of luck有运气, make records做记录, return shortly很快回来, come into the rooms shyly羞怯地走进房间 ,be dirty and badly dressed穿着破旧并且脏, curtsy to向行屈膝礼, ask any favors求某人帮忙, treatlike dirt把当下贱人看, getfor two shillings an hour from从每小时得到两先令, have the face to do有脸做, passoff as冒充一位, pay for向付钱, burn ones horrible clothes烧掉可怕的衣服, have a bath洗澡, weep with和哭泣, in need of需要, deal with处理, begin with以为开端, fade out减弱消失, go off stage走下台4. Acting a play Pygmalion(By George Bernard Shaw)ACT ICovent Garden at 11.15 p.m. Torrents of heavy summer rain. Cab whistles blowing frantically in all directions. Pedestrians running for shelter into the market and under the portico of St. Pauls Church, where there are already several people, among them a lady and her daughter in evening dress. They are all peering out gloomily at the rain, except one man with his back turned to the rest, who seems wholly preoccupied with a notebook in which he is writing busily.The church clock strikes the first quarter.THE DAUGHTERin the space between the central pillars, close to the one on her left Im getting chilled to the bone. What can Freddy be doing all this time? Hes been gone twenty minutes.THE MOTHEROn her daughters right Not so long. But he ought to have got us a cab by this.A BYSTANDERon the ladys right He wont get no cab not until half-past eleven, missus, when they come back after dropping their theatre fares.THE MOTHERBut we must have a cab. We cant stand here until half-past eleven. Its too bad.THE BYSTANDERWell, it aint my fault, missus.THE DAUGHTERIf Freddy had a bit of gumption, he would have got one at the theatre door.THE MOTHERWhat could he have done, poor boy?THE DAUGHTEROther people got cabs. Why couldnt he?Freddy rushes in out of the rain from the Southampton Street side, and comes between them closing a dripping umbrella. He is a young man of twenty, in evening dress, very wet around the ankles.THE DAUGHTERWell, havnt you got a cab?FREDDYTheres not one to be had for love or money.THE MOTHEROh, Freddy, there must be one. You cant have tried.THE DAUGHTERIts too tiresome. Do you expect us to go and get one ourselves?FREDDYI tell you theyre all engaged. The rain was so sudden: nobody was prepared; and everybody had to take a cab. Ive been to Charing Cross one way and nearly to Ludgate Circus the other; and they were all engaged.THE MOTHERDid you try Trafalgar Square?FREDDYThere wasnt one at Trafalgar Square.THE DAUGHTERDid you try?FREDDYI tried as far as Charing Cross Station. Did you expect me to walk to Hammersmith?THE DAUGHTERYou havnt tried at all.THE MOTHERYou really are very hel
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