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疯狂动物城电影台词篇一:双语疯狂动物城经典台词 双语:疯狂动物城经典台词 最近,朋友圈是不是被疯狂动物城刷屏啦!你最爱哪只萌物呢? 我最爱的是那只名叫“闪电”的树懒哦! 那么,这部电影里又有哪些经典的台词呢? 首先来看看,朱迪因为失言,惹恼了尼克后,为了挽回搭档,真诚的道歉吧! Judy Hopps: I know youll never forgive me. And I dont blame you. I wouldnt forgive me either. Iwas ignorant and irresponsible and small-minded. But predators shouldnt suffer because of mymistakes. 我知道,你永远都不会原谅我。我不怪你,换做我,我也不会原谅我自己。我又蠢又不可靠,还固执得不得了。但是,不能因为我的错,让肉食动物遭受这一切。 Nick still refused to take a glimpse at Judy Judy Hopps: Begins to cry And after were done, you can hate me, and thatll be fine, because Iwas a horrible friend, and I hurt you. And you can walk away knowing you were right all along. Ireally am just a dumb bunny. 当我们解决了这个案子,你可以继续讨厌我,没关系,因为我是个糟糕的朋友,我伤害了你。到时候,你大可以大摇大摆地离开,确信自己至始至终都是对的。我真的只是一只蠢兔子。 和闪电的初次见面,就长见识啦! Nick Wilde: What do you call a three-humped camel? 知道骆驼为什么有三个驼峰吗? 和“教父”版大boss初次见面,朱迪和尼克险些丢了小名,还好这句救命话!What did we say? No icing anyone at my wedding! 爹地,不是说好不在我的婚礼上冻死任何人! 朱迪查案时,质疑本不穿衣服的动物竟然不穿衣服(是不是很绕口啊?自己感受下逻辑哦!) Oh! You are naked! 天啊,你们怎么不穿衣服 其他的还有: Nick Wilde: Everyone comes to Zootopia, thinking they could be anything they want. But youcant. You can only be what you are. Sly fox. Dumb bunny. 踏进动物城,谁都怀揣着梦想,成为理想中的自己,但却一场空。你只能是你,狐狸还是狡猾,兔子依旧呆蠢。 Its not about how badly you WANT something. Its about what you are capable of! 光有志向是不够的,重要的是你的能力! We may be evolved, but deep down we are still animals. 我们是进化了,可是本质还是有野性的。 No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you. 不管你是什么动物,改变从现在开始。篇二:疯狂动物城热映 英文经典台词汇总 我知道,你永远都不会原谅我。 我不怪你,换做我,我也不会原谅我自己。 我又蠢又不可靠,还固执得不得了。 但是,不能因为我的错,让肉食动物遭受这一切。 当我们解决了这个案子,你可以继续讨厌我, 没关系,因为我是个糟糕的朋友,我伤害了你。 到时候,你大可以大摇大摆地离开,确信自己至始至终都是对的。 我真的只是一只蠢兔子。 I know youll never forgive me. And I dont blame you. I wouldnt forgive me either. I was ignorant and irresponsible and small-minded. But predators shouldnt suffer because of my mistakes.And after were done, you can hate me, and thatll be fine, because I was a horrible friend, and I hurt you. And you can walk away knowing you were right all along. I really am just a dumb bunny. I really am just a dumb bunny. I really am just a dumb bunny. 我是只蠢萌滴兔纸 I really am just a dumb bunny. 好了,到我这来。你们兔子,就是爱哭。 All right, get in here. You bunnies, so emotional. 踏进动物城,谁都怀揣着梦想,成为理想中的自己,但却一场空。 你只能是你,狐狸还是狡猾,兔子依旧呆蠢。 Everyone comes to Zootopia, thinking they could be anything they want. But you cant. You can only be what you are. Sly fox. Dumb bunny. And that is not wet cement. (You are a dumb bunny.) 生活总会有点不顺意,我们都会犯错。天性如何并不重要,重要的是你开始改变。Lifes a little bit messy. We all make mistakes. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you. Nick:我知道你爱我! Judy:我知道吗?我的确知道。 Nick: I know you love me Judy: I do?Yes I do!篇三:疯狂动物城中英文对照剧本 疯狂动物城 1-Fear, treachery, blood lust. 恐惧,背叛,杀戮。 2-Thousands of years ago these were the. 几千年前 这些是. 3-forces that ruled our world 支配着我们的世界的力量 4-A world where prey were scared of predators. 一个猎物担心着捕食者的世界。 5-And predators had an uncontrollable. 捕食者有一个无法控制的. 6-biological urge to maim, and maul, and. 生理上的冲动去伤害,残害,并且. 7-Awww! 噢! 8-Blood! Blood! Blood! 血!血!血! 9-And. death! 和.死! 10-Ahhh. 唉唉. 11-Back then, the world was divided in two. 在那时,世界分为二种。 12-Vicious predator, or meek prey. 凶猛的捕食者与脆弱的猎物。 13-But over time, we evolved, and moved beyond or primitive savage ways. 但随着时间的推移,我们进化了并抛弃了野蛮的性格。 14-Now predator and prey live in harmony. 现在捕食者与猎物和睦相处。 15-And every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities. 而且所有的年轻的动物都有着各种的可能。 16-Yeah, I dont have to cower in a a herd anymore. 耶,我再也不用躲在.里了。 17-Instead, I can be an astronaut. 取而代之,我可以当太空人。 18-I dont have to be a lonely hunter anymore. Today I can hunt for tax exemptions. 我再也不用当一个孤独的猎人。如今我可以狩猎税收。 19-Im gonna be an actuary. 我可以当一个保险精算师。 20-And I can make the world a better place. I am going to be. 而且我可让这个世界成为一个更好的地方。我可以当. 21-A police officer! 一位珀莉丝奥菲斯尔! 22-Bunny cop? That is the most stupidest thing I ever heard! 兔子警察,我在说你呢,吉帝恩葛瑞。 24-But, just 211 miles away, stands the great city of Zootopia. 但是,坐落在 211 英哩远,有着一做伟大的城市动物邦。 25-Where our ancestors first joined together in peace. 我们的祖先在那儿签定了和平协议。 26-And declared that anyone can be anything! 而且他们宣告人人都有无限可能! 27-Thank you and good night. 感谢你们,晚安。 28-Judy, you ever wonder how your mom and me got to be so darn happy? 朱迪,你有没有想过为什么你妈咪跟我这么快乐? 29-Nope 没了(雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离) 30-Well, we gave up on our dreams, and we settled. Right, Bon? 好吧,因为我们放弃了自己的梦想,并且定居了下来。对吧,邦妮? 31-Oh, yes. Thats right, Stu. We settled hard. 嗯,我们艰难的定居下来了。
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