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2012-2013学年七年级上学期期末试题英语试卷 听力部分(20分)一听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(5分)( )1. a. teachers b. students c. dogs( )2. a. work b. go c. like( )3. a. brother b. father c. mother( )4. a. five b. fifteen c. fifty( )5. a. September b. November c. December二听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。( )6. a. at 8:00 pm b. at 7:00 am c. on monday.( )7. a. China. b. thrillers. c. history.( )8. a.I give(给) cards to them. B. I say nothing to them. c.I say goodbye to them( )9. a. at school. b. october 5th. c. sallys birthday.( )10. a. two dollars. b. two. c. i dont like it.三听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。( )11. Why does Maria like math? a. Its relaxing. b.Its boring. c.Its interesting.( )12. How many subjects does Vera like? a. one. b. two. c. three.( )13. What day is it tomorrow(明天)? a. monday. b. tuesday. c. wednesday.( )14. What club does Gina want to join? a. the english club. b. the chess club. c. the music club.( )15. What color does the girl like? a. blue. b. black. c. green.四听对话、语段和问题,选择正确答案。( )16.What cant Peter do well? a. sing english songs. b. play the piano. c. play the guitar.( )17. What can Peter do well? a. the guitar. b. the piano. c. the violin.( )18. Where is the store? a. next to a bank. b. next to a school. c. next to a bookstore.( )19. How much are two pairs of socks and a pair of shoes? a. ¥60. b. ¥50 c. ¥10.( )20. How many kinds of clothes does the store have? a. two b. three. c. four.笔试部分(100分)一单项选择题。(25分)( )21. This is _ alarm clock. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )22. We dont like_. A. broccoli B. broccolis C. a broccoli D. broccolies( )23. _. Is this your pen? A. Sorry B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Hi( )24. Do you have two _? A. tennis racket B. tennis rackets C. tennis racket D. tennis rackets( )25. He _ his homework at school. A. doesnt do B. dont does C. isnt do D. does not( )26. _this your guitar?A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Do( ) 27. Lets _ now. A. go to home B. to go home C. go home D. to go to ( ) 28. How much are these shoes? _ twenty dollars. A. Are B. There C. Theyre D. Their( ) 29. My father usually_ a shower _the morning. A. take; in B. takes; in C. take; on D. takes; at( )30. _you play the violin? A. Are B. Can C. Is D. When ( )31. What color is it? Its_.a. an green b. a green c. green d. the green( )32. This is Gina,Jim.Hi, gina. _ . a. sorry b. thank you c. good evening d. nice to meet you( )33. Lily, your skirt is very nice. _ . a. Thank b.Thank you c.No, im not d.Yes, i am( )34. Lets go to see a comedy, Liu Mei. _. a. Here you are b. Tthank youc. Im busy now d.That sounds nice( )35. _is teachers day?Its september 10th. a. Whenb. How c. What d Where( )36. Cindy, do you like july _ shanghai? No, I dont. because its too hot(热). a. at b. on c. in d. for( )37. How is your sister?She is _, thanks.a. 12 years old b. fine c. a student d. my cousin( )38. Why dont you like history? Because I think its .a. relaxing b. boring c. interesting d. funny( )39. Happy birthday,Tom ._.a. Happy birthday, too b.Thanksc.You, too d. The same to you( )40. Can you _ English? Yes, i can.a. tell b. speak c. talk d. say( )41. Do you like math? Yes, it is my _ subject. a. healthy b. last c. favorite d. right( )42. Why dont you take this shirt, jim? it only needs $30.I have only $15. i cant _ it. a. sell b. play c. afford d. buy( )43. Does he _ a watch?Yes, he _. a. have; does b. has; have c. have; has d. has, does( )44. _ are your pants ? 150 yuan. a. How many b.How much c.How d. What( )45. _Its ten oclock.a. What day is it? b. What about you?c. What time is it? d.Whats your name?二完形填空。(10分)Shirley is my friend. She 46 eleven years old.
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