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不问收获,但问耕耘,把最好的资料送给最好的自己!完形填空姓名:XXX时间:20XX年X月X日1There is one thing that can be easily learned in five minutes, and it can have a great impact on your life, and the lives of your children or students. It is36 the “Growth Mindset” and it is simple , powerful, and 37 by a vast body of scientific research.In a series of 38, the Stanford researcher, Carol Dweck, divided students into two 39 and gave them relatively 40 math tests. The students all did 41 in the tests half of them were praised for being naturally 42, and half were praised for working hard.After those 43, they were given harder math tests. Those students who were praised for 44 quickly adopted the “Growth Mindset” and performed better. They think “hard work got me this far, so I just 45 to work a bit harder and I will figure out these questions.”, faced with more difficult problems, Students who were praised for being clever acted 46. They might think “perhaps Im not that clever after all, 47 I cant figure out these harder questions.” So they would quickly 48. Or worse, they see the hard questions as a(n) 49 to their self-esteem (自尊), and develop the dangerous habit of 50 any situation where they might be wrong, or any situation where they might 51 something new!So, what can you 52? If you are a parent or a 53, praise efforts rather than the innate (先天的) ability. And for yourself ascribe (归因于) your own 54 to efforts rather than the innate ability. 55 that your success is a result of your efforts rather than some innate gift. It is really that simple!36. A. blessed B. provedC. sparedD. called37. A. ensured B. guaranteed C. backed D. exclaimed38. A. experimentsB. meetings C. events D. changes39. A. linesB. groupsC. familiesD. communities40. A. easyB. shortC. valuableD. strange41. A. happily B. slowlyC. powerfullyD. well42. A. accustomed B. grownC. gifted D. determined43. A. developmentsB. interviewsC. journeysD. conversations44. A. courage B. patience C. efforts D. victories45. A. needB. hesitate C. pretendD. volunteer46. A. frequently B. differentlyC. calmly D. eagerly47. A. sinceB. onceC. while D. though48. A. turn up B. take upC. break upD. give up49. A. answer B. keyC. threat D. victim50. A. seeking B. observing C. forgettingD. avoiding51. A. learnB. selectC. adjust D. make52. A. keepB. doC. watch D. affect53. A. doctorB. researcher C. teacherD. student54. A. freedom B. success C. chance D. strength55. A. Predict B. Believe C. Prove D. Imagine2Id been proud that Id never lost mycell phone until my husband Jack got a callone evening.We went to visit a friend inhospital last year.When Jacks_1_rang,it was my mother calling from my _2_.She asked if I had _3_ my mobile.I checked my purse.It was _4_!I used Jacks phone to call my number.Then a boy,whom Ill call Rhys,_5_ it.“I found your phone!” he said,excitedly.“ I have been trying to find you,but_6_ it was getting late,I decided to leave.”He gave me the address of a _7_ near his home.Later that evening,I went to _8_ him there.I didnt dare to go _9_,worrying this was some cheater.So Jack came along.After _10_ 10km,we got to the coffee shop which Rhys _11_.My _12_ were gone.Rhys was just a young boy.“How did you _13_my mum?” I asked.He _14_ that when hefound my mobile by the roadside,he started calling people in my list of contacts.But all they _15_ was my mobile phone number which didnt_16_.Hed called many names,starting with the letter AFinally he gotAdam,one of myfriends,who _17_ my house.I was_18_to get my phone backwith all the contacts,messages and photos I could have lost forever.I was so _19_ to Rhys and offered him some money,but he _20_.As we drove back,we praised Rhys for his honesty.,1. Aelectric carBmobile phoneCradioDdoorbell2. Ahospital BCompany CSchoolDhome3. AFoundBChanged ClostDbought4. Agone BnewCbusyDbroken5. Aaccepted Breturned CgotDanswered6A.before BbecauseCafterDif7. Acoffee shop Bpost officeChotelDsupermarket8. AfollowBmeetCcatchDpunish9. Aslowly Bback CaloneDfinally10. Adriving Brunning CwalkingDriding11. Atalked about Blooked forCheard ofDknew about12. AdifficultiesBfears CdiseasesDhopes13. ArememberBknowCtellDunderstand14. ArealizedBrepeated CexplainedDbelieved15. Ahad BnoticedCexpectedDfinished16. Ahappen Bmatter ChelpDfit17. AcalledBvisitedC
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