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六年级下册第四单元练习题 Name:_一、根据各题的图片,填上合适的单词,使句子完整。1. A: I went to Harbin and went _ there last winter.B: How did you _? A: I felt _.2. A: _ did they _ to Beijing last week? B: They plane. They presents.3. A: What did you do on Friday evening? B: I _good _ on Friday evening.4. A: What did you see yesterday? B: I _ many _ in the zoo yesterday?二、看答句写问句。1. A: _? B: Hes reading a book now.2. A: _? B: Mike played sports yesterday.3. A: _? B: We went to Hainan by plane last Sunday.4. A: _? B: Yes, Lucy saw the full moon last night.5. A: _? B: Theyre going to the zoo tomorrow.6. A: _?B: No, I often go to bed at 9:00 in the evening.7. A: _?B: No, she didnt play ping-pong this morning.8. A: _?B: My friend often climbs mountains on the weekend.9. A: _? B: I feel sick. I have a headache.10. A: _? B: Tom is 160 cm tall.三、根据上下文补充句子。A: Hello, this is Amy. B: Hi! Amy, _?A: I am listening to the weather report.B: ? A: It is sunny today.B: Oh. Lets go to the museum. There is a kite show.A: I went there last week. B: ?A: I went there by car.B: _?A: Im going to buy a book about planting trees this evening.B: _?A: Yes, I like planting trees very much.四、选词填空:(took, climbed, food, saw, older, sang, happy, old, mountains, had, take, have ) Yesterday I_a mountain with my cousin Tom. Tom is 13 years _. He is one year _than I. We took some _and drinks with us. And Tom took his camera, too. On the mountain, we took a lot of pictures of the beautiful scenery. When we got to the top of the _, it was 1:25 p.m. We _and danced there. We got tired. But we felt very _. Because we_ some squirrels and _many pictures. We _a good time.五、根据以下七个信息,选择五个来介绍你的生活。NameAmyAge12Birthday四月22日Ability(能力) On the weekend Last weekend This weekend _
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