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罗田县思源实验学校教案 English 学科课题(项目)Unit4:wheres my schoolbag?课 时1授课时间第 9 周 第 1 节主备:廖春宵执教:教学目标知识与技能:掌握关于房间和房间中各种物品的名称 学会用使用功能句表述事物的具体位置 过程与方法:导入-新授-训练-巩固情感态度与价值观:树立学生审美观重点难点教学重点:单词(房间里的物品名称)Section A 1a 1b 2a教学难点:1) Where is the baseball? Its in the backpack. 2) Where is my computer game? Its under the bed. 3) Where are your books? Theyre on the chair.课前准备制作PPT教学过程 教学过程集体备课个人设计1复习句型Whats this in English? Its a /an,利用句型引出单词,在学习是尽量少用或不用汉语。2.利用实物或图片(图片可从素材库中查找),认读单词(table,bed, dresser ,bookcase , sofa, backpack, books,keys,plant,chair, drawer, baseball )。3.看课本图片,找出单词所对应物品的字母,继续学习单词。(Look at the picture on Page 19 and finish 1a Match the words with the pictures.)Here are the answers to 1a.table e bed j dresser c bookcase a sofa i chair h backpack g books a keys b baseball f drawer l plant k4. 听录音,按听到的顺序在正确的物品上排号(1-5),巩固单词,练习听力。(1b Listen and number(1-5)the things in the picture when you hear them).5. 检查单词掌握情况。可采用多种方式。如:教师听写,学生听读,小组检查,同桌互相检查等。6通过2a(Listen and number these things when you hear看图,听录音,根据录音排序。)复习单词。7.补充表示房间内其他物品的单词。如:wardrobe,light,computer,fish bowl,TV and so on8.Homework.:画出自己的房间,为其中的物品标上英文,物品越多越好。 作业必做作业:选做作业:课后反思
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