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外研版本英语必修四第一单元总结复习基础学习知识必修四 Module1 第 2课时Reading.单词拼写1A reward will be offered to information leading to_( 逮捕 )of the bank robber.2 Is there any l_to the time I can stay here? Yes. You must leave here before he comes back.3 Was it what you expected? Yes, d_.4For many thieves who often steal something, society doesnt know how to deal with hardened c_.5If we want to save the people, life as an aid worker can be a r_ business.答案: .单项填空1 Who is the man_here? Captain Cook.Ain the charge Bunder the charge C in charge D in a charge答案: C问句句意: “这儿由谁负责? ”in charge掌“管 ;负责”; 主语一般是人; in the charge of 由“ 控制 ”;主语一般是物。2You can take as many as you like, because they are free of_.Afare Bcharge Cmoney Dpay答案: B free of charge 免“费”,是固定搭配。3She_a chain to the dogs collar.Agranted B kept Cattached Dbeard答案:C attach 在此表示 “把 连在 上面 ”可(译为“拴 ”;)grant 表示 “同意;准予;授予 ”;keep“保留;保存 ”;bread“胡子”,为名词。4He hurried to the booking office, only_that all the tickets had been sold out.Ato tell B to be told C telling D told答案: B 本句中应用动词不定式作结果状语,表示意想不到的结果,排除 C、D。主语和 tell 之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,故 A项错误。5I_back the money.Arely on him to pay B rely on his paying C depend on him to pay D all the above答案: D rely on 表示 “信赖;信任 ”时同 depend on ,可以说rely on sb. to do sth. ,也可以说rely on sb. doing sth. 。根据句意 “我相信他会还钱”,可知 A、B、 C 三种结构皆可。6. There isnt much money left. We must_our spending.Aincrease B prevent C rise D limit答案: D 本题考查动词词义辨析。句意为“剩下的钱不多了,我们必须限制我们的开支 ”。其中 increase 意为“增加 ”;prevent 意为“防止;阻止 ”; rise为不及物动词,意为“上升;提高 ”;limit 在此为及物动词,意为“限制 ”。7Earth Day is celebration of life and our planet. It is a reminder that we need to_the world we live in andthat we should learn to respect life and nature.Acare about B think of C refer to D watch out答案:A 后一句意思:这提醒我们有必要关注我们所居住的世界而且我们应该学会尊重生命和自然。 care about “关注 ”。8Extra warmth from sunlight can put an additional_on the airconditioning system.Aweight B anxiety C load D tiredness答案: C 句意:过多的阳光 (热量 )会增加空调系统的工作负荷。 load “负荷;负担 ”。9You look tired, _working indoors you should be out for a walk.AAhead of B Instead of C In spite of D Because of答案: B instead of “代替 ”,后面可接名词或 ving 形式。句意为:你看起来有些疲惫,你应该出去走走,而不是在室内工作。10Eat_cake you like and leave the others for_comes in late.Aany; who B every; whoever C whichever; whoever D either; whoever 答案: C 此题应根据后一空做,即所缺的词引导宾语从句,作介词for 的宾语,另外,从句缺一主语,所以用 whoever 作主语,而第一空也是宾语从句,作 eat 的宾语。.阅读理解What will our future look like? As for the future home, cookers will be set so that you can cook a complete mealat_the_touch_of_a_switch. Television will give the information on prices at the nearby shops as well as news and / enjoyment. Visionphones will bring pictures as well as sound to telephone conversation. Machines will controltemperature, lighting, enjoyment and gardening, etc. At work, robots will take over most jobs and working hours willfall to under 30 hours a week. Holidays will get longer. Six weeks will be the holidays every year. What most shocksus is that in the future it will be possible to use virtual reality( 虚拟现实)to bring the dead back to life. People will dragout their old and boring home movies and choose a relative to bring back to life. The visual will be combined withrecords about that person to create a virtual relative. Then the family can have a chat with that relative, keep itrunning, and live with it. The experience will be like living with a ghost.1This passage is mainly about_.Awhat our future life will be like B how machines help us with our life C what the use of robots will be D how tolive with a ghost答案: A 主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句话可知这篇文章是对未来生活的描述。2The underlined words “at the touch of a switch ”in the first paragraph mean_.Awhen you are beside the switches of the cookers B on touching the cookers C the moment you turn the cookerson D as soon as you touch the cookers答案: C词义理解题。 switch 意为“开关 ”, at the touch of a switch 意为“一碰开关 ”,也就是一打开厨具。3Its true that in the future_.Apeople will enjoy their holidays for 42 days a year B robots will do everything for manCpeople will see instead of hearing each other when they are talking on the visionphone D none of the above答案: A细节理解题。 根据第一段最后一句话“Six weeks will be the holidays every year. 可知每”年人们会有 6 个星期也就是 42 天的假期。4In the future, machines can do the following except that_.Amachines can control peoples body temperature B machines can control lighting C machines can do gardeningD machines can give people enjoyment 答案: A细节理解题。根据第一段第五句话“Machni es will controltemperature, lighting, enjoyment and gardening, etc. 可知 B”、C、D 三项正确;文中提到机器能控制温度,而不是人的体温。5As for the dead in the future, _.Athey can come back to life and become real persons B people can use virtual reality to bring them
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