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学校高 岭 镇 中 心 小 学年级六年级学科英 语课题Unit4 Judys brother has a special hobby.课时1教师刘 莹教材分析本节课是辽师大版快乐英语六年级(三年级起点)上册第四单元第一课时的内容,本课时的话题是理解和表达有关家人的个人爱好。功能是了解和运用表示他人的喜好、能力的问答方式。学生能够利用本节课的核心语言 “Does he/she?” 来询问他人的兴趣爱好,并根据实际情况做出相应的回答。本课时的内容比较贴近学生的生活,是学生们比较喜欢的话题之一,所以有利于学生间开展交流,体会英语学习的乐趣。积极参与课堂活动,乐于与人合作;通过交流增进了解,找到共同的爱好,建立友谊。学情分析现在的学生从小学三年级就开始学习英语,进入六年级的学生已经对英语熟悉三年了,但是仍有一部分学生不是很喜欢上英语课,英语基础相对薄弱,学习的兴趣不是很高,个别学生甚至对英语的学习产生抵触情绪。同时,有些学生还是为学习而学习,谈不上兴趣的问题;另一方面,两极分化很大又占了很大的比例,但也不忍心放弃他们,只能一遍又一遍地重复练习。所以我们要充分认识学生,确定教学思路,既应遵循语言学习的规律,又应该把握学生的心理特点,使英语学习成为一种愉快的学习体验。只有这样,英语教学才会取得令人满意的效果。 教学目标Aims on the knowledge: To listening, speaking, reading, and writing the four-skill phrases: goes camping, goes fishing, goes boating, goes hiking, collects stamps. Can understand, read and write the sentences “Does he go camping? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.” and use the sentences in real situations; Can master the third person singular general questions and expression form of yes or no to answer, and can operate in real situation; Can cooperate with deskmate complete lets play in the activity.Aims on the abilities: To develop the abilities of listening and speaking; To train the ability of working in groups.Aims on the emotion: Through unit dialogue to keep students interest in learning a language, to experience the fun of learning English, take an active part in class activities, enjoy working with people; Can find common interests through mutual understanding communication and friendship.教学重点To listen and say the sentences and the phrases then use in real situations.教学难点To general interrogative sentence of the third person singular, the expression form of the negative answer.核心问题Does he go camping? 教学方法“Task-base” Teaching MethodSituational Teaching Method 教学环节教学活动学生活动设计意图Step 3Warming up:1、Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again.T: How are you?T: Im OK. What day is today? T: Whats the weather like?2、Review.(1)、Show some phrases by CAI: like singing, play the guitar, jump high, run fast, dance well.(2)、Show the sentence pattern by CAI: Make the sentences with the pattern “Does he ? Yes, he does.”3、Free talk: Whats your hobby?(Reserve report 预留汇报)Greetings.SS: Hello, Miss xx. Nice to see you, too.SS: Fine, thank you. And how are you?SS: Today is MondaySS: Its sunny/cloudyRead the phrases together.Make the sentences with the pattern “Does he ? Yes, he does.”Answer the questions: I like singing/ dancing教师面带微笑的问候消除了学生们的紧张心理,拉近了师生间的距离。为本课的学习做好充分的铺垫。通过复习上节课的短语并用这些短语操练句型,激发学生已有的知识储备,巩固旧知并为新课学习打下基础。通过自由交谈引出本课的话题,自然过渡到本课的学习。Step23Presentation and DrillT: I have a brother. (CAI shows the picture of my brother) Look ! This is my brother, his name is Liu Gang. Do you have a brother?1、CAI shows the picture of my brother and his hobbies .Answer the questions together:Yes, I do. / No, I dont.由于本节课的课题是“朱迪的哥哥有一个特殊的爱好,”所以采用从教师的哥哥第三人称的用法入手,化解难点,同时吸引学生的注意力。My brothers hobbiesMy brother likes doing many different kinds of things (做各种各样的事情) with his friends. He goes camping (去宿营) every summer. He goes hiking(去远足) every autumn. He goes fishing (去钓鱼) every Saturday . He is very good at it. Sometimes he goes boating (去划船) on Sunday. And he also has a special hobby(特殊的爱好). He collects stamps (集邮). He has many stamps now. (他现在已经有很多邮票了。)T: So I think my brother is very cool. Do you think so?2、Show the phrases by CAI: goes camping goes boating goes hikinggoes fishing collects stamps(在此讲解go变单数第三人称时要加es .)3、T : I have a hobby, too. Look, there are so many stones. Yes, I collect stones. Show the phrase of collect stones. Then show the picture o of Judys brother. T: And he collects stones. Teach the sentence “He collects stones.”(在此引导学生“他收集石头”,主语变成He, 单数第三人称,动词collect要加s, 变成collects.)4、Show the pictures with the or of : goes camping, goes boating, goes hiking, goes fishing, collects stamps, collect stones and make the sentences with the pattern “Does he ? Yes, he does. /No, he doesnt.”(由于在上一单元教授Does he ? Yes , he does. 这一句型时把 No , he doesnt . 的否定形式也出示出来,所以这节课自然的就能将否定形式说出来。)5、The teacher shows a picture of “Listen and say” introduce to Ss: “They are Shelly and Judy. They are chatting on the Internet.” Now, listen to the tape and answer the question: (The problem to show 问题出示)Q1: Who are they talking about? (他们在讨论谁?)Listen to the tape again and repeat then answer the question:Q2:WhatsJudys brothers special hobby?(朱迪哥哥的特殊爱好是什么?)(Teach deeply 点拨深入)6、 Learn the articlea. Listen and repeat. b. Read by yourself and find out the difficult words. (The independent inquiry 自主探究) c. Read the dialogue in groups. d. Read it in different roles and act it out. (Improve the communication 交流完善)Look at the CAI; listen to the teachers described of her brot
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