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2011届山东高三一模英语阅读表达专题训练【2011枣庄一模】答案:76Opening up will make China change the world.77know little about China78To continue to take in what the world offers and transform it into something typically Chinese.79And once it does, its people might choose to about some of them.80随着接触的加深,尽管无从知道哪些中国的风俗习惯会在外国的土地上生根发芽,但是肯定有一些会的。 1China will change the world as much as the world changes China, if the country continues its opening up.2How could it not? The rest of the world cannot remain unaffected by the culture of one-fifth of humanity. As China strengthens its economy, allows its citizens more overseas travel and participates in global efforts, the West surely will learn more about Chinese ways.3And once it does, its people might choose to adot some of them.4It might surprise Chinese that Westerners . When I announced my Beijing job to American friends, family and neighbors, they were very curious and mostly uninformed about China5 Our media carries little news about China except during unusual circumstances, which typically are times of stress between the two countriesWe hear about arguments with China over climate change, Taiwan and Tibet, but that doesn t tell average Americans anything about average Chinese6Most American- dont know that Chinese weddings feature firecrackers; that Chinese parents make extraordinary sacrifices for their children; that Chinese diners eat off plates smaller than any on a Western table; that favorite Chinese drinks include hot soy milk and the potent white-grain alcohol, baijiu; and that elderly Chinese sometimes walk down streets backwards to keep their balancing skills sharp7Westemers will learn as they and the Chinese increasingly mingle(接触)As they do there s no telling which Chirac customs will take root in foreiffl soilbut some of them surely will8 Maybe we 11 see baijiu and green tea served at baseball stadiums along with beer and soda popThat wouldn t make the game any less American9 Meanwhile, I hope China continues to take in what the world has to offer and transform it into something typically ChineseTo think that exposure to Western ways weakens China, instead of strengthens it, assumes the country s culture is fragileThat s a surprising attitude for any Chinese to take76What does the passage mainly tell us? (within 10 words) 77Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (within 6 words) 78What an attitude should we Chinese take towards Western culture according to the author? (within 20 words) 79Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?In that case, some of the Chinese way of life will, possibly, be accepted by the westerners. 80Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 7 into Chinese. 【2011济南一模】答案:76Positive attitudes keep you healthy/Being cheerful keeps you healthy /Personality and emotion concern health.评分建议:能正确概括文章大意均可得分。需保证含义与参考答案一对致,单词拼写无误。77who are cheerful and relaxed/who are positive/with positive attitudes/who are optimistic 评分建议:根据文章内容,使语句通顺。字体清楚、无拼写、语法错误,即可得分。78Their symptoms, however, differed depending on the types of emotions that they had reported over the previous fortnight.评分建议:能准确找出句子。字体清楚,有抄写错误要酌情扣分。79这些发现很有趣,但不能证明一个人的态度对他/她是否生病产生影响。评分建议:忠于原句,语句通顺,无语言错误,方可得3分。80Answers may vary.评分建议:每条建议1分。有语言表达错误,或总体字数限制酌情扣分。特别说明:1卷面涂抹(包括乱涂乱画)严重,总分扣2分;2异色笔、铅笔答题,一律判0分。1Compared to people with bad attitudes,people are less likely to suffer from coldsIts possible that being positive helps the body fight il1nesses.2In a previous study,people who tended to be cheerful and lively were least likely to develop coughs and other cold symptomsPeople who showed positive feelings were also less likely to mention symptoms to their doctors,even when medical tests detected those symptoms3Those findings were interesting,but they didnt prove that a persons attitude affects whether he or she gets sickInstead,it was still possible that a persons underlying personality is what matters4Evidence suggests,for instance,that certain people are naturally more likely to be outgoing and optimistic,with high self-esteem and a sense of control over lifeThis would mean that who we are,not how we feel,ultimately decides our chances of catching colds.5To figure out which mattered more,personality or emotions,the researchers interviewed 193 healthy adultsThe results showed that everyone in the study
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