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word英语研究性学习课题:旅游景区英语标识一 旅游景区点常用标识二 旅游风景区标识三 旅游度假村标识四 公园常用标识五 游乐园或娱乐城标识六 动物园常用标识一、旅游景区点常用标识序 号中 文英 文1停车场PARKING LOT2售票口TICKET OFFICE3游客中心TOURIST CENTER4医务室CLINIC5餐厅RESTAURANT6快餐SNACK BAR7商店SHOP8厕所TOILET9入口WAY IN10出口WAY OUT11导游服务TOUR GUIDE SERVICE12邮政服务POSTAL SERVICE13游乐场PLAYGROUND14游船码头BOAT RENTAL15办公区OFFICE AREA16垃圾箱RUBBISH RECEPTACLE17消防栓FIRE HYDRANT18照像服务PHOTO SERVICE19残疾人专用FACILITIES FOR DISABLED PERSON20小件存放LEFT LUGGAGE21公用PUBLIC TELEPHONE22游客投诉TOURIST PLAINT PHONE23游客咨询TOURIST INFORMATION PHONE24紧急救护EMERGENCY PHONE25禁止吸烟NO SMOKING26游客止步STAFF ONLY27禁止游泳NO SWIMMING28禁止钓鱼NO FISHING29严禁攀登NO CLIMING30请勿践踏草坪PLEASE KEEP OFF THE LAWN31爱护文物PLEASE CHERISH THE CULTURAL RELICS32食品部SNACK SHOP33酒吧BAR34前台FRONT DESK 35更衣室LOCKER ROOM36火警出口FIRE EXIT37男厕所MENS ROOM MALE38女厕所LADIES ROOM FEMALE39勿扔垃圾NO LITTERING40请勿拍照NO PHOTOGRAPGY41步行梯STAIRS42电梯ELEVATOR43自动扶梯ESCALATOR44旅游纪念品商店SOUVENIR SHOP45广播室BROADCASTING ROOM46失物招领LOST AND FOUND47火情警报FIRE ALARM48团体接待GROUP RECEPTION49存包处BAG CHECK50问讯处INFORMATION DESK51结帐CASHIER52残疾人洗手间ACCESSIBLE TOIET53医疗CLINIC54MAILBOX55休息区LOUNGE56包装食品PACKED FOOD57冷饮COLD DRINK58消防栓FIRE HYDRANT59电脑查询PUTER SEARCH60礼品GIFTS二 、旅游风景区一须知欢迎您来风景区游览,为保证景区的自然风貌,爱护国家和人民的公共财物以与您的人身安全,望您要遵守如下几项规定:1、保护风景区内自然风貌,风景区内严禁乱砍、滥伐、拆杈、毁林、开荒、乱开岩石、取纱、放牧和狩猎活动违者罚款。2、注意防火、吸烟、火柴杆等致燃物就地熄灭,不许乱丢,不准再风景区内点燃火堆或野炊,以防失火。3、注意安全,不要攀登悬崖峭壁,不要在溪潭中游泳、打闹,以防人身事故发生与院内严禁夜宿。4、遇有雷雨时,不要用手抚摸铁器,更不要在沟滩崖根下避雨,以防洪水暴发造成危险,看天气不好时应迅速撤出游区。5、维护风景区内环境卫生,禁止随地便溺用完的各种瓶罐、包装盒、纸屑、果皮等,要扔到废品池内,严禁乱扔,摔碎违反者罚款。6、来风景区游览人员,一律购票凭票游览要听从工作人员引导,提高尊老爱幼,讲究礼貌的尚好作风。Notice to VisitorsWele to this/ our tourist attraction! In order to preserve the natural environment, protect public facilities, and to ensure your own safety, please observe the following rules:1、Please help preserve the natural environment of the tourist attraction. Unauthorized logging, damaging of trees and forests, plowing of fields, excavating of sand and gravel, herding and hunting are strictly prohibited. Those who violate these rules shall be fined accordingly.2、Be cautious of fire hazards. No littering of inflammable materials such as cigarettes and matches. Campfires are strictly prohibited inside the tourist attraction area.3、Be safety conscious. To ensure your safety, please do not climb steep cliffs; do not swim or play in streams and ponds. No staying overnight in courtyards.4、When there is a thunderstorm, do not touch metals so as to prevent the risk of a thunder stroke. Do not hide near river banks or under cliffs, or you might be exposed to the risk of sudden floods. In case of adverse weather conditions, you should immediately exit the tourist attraction area.5、Please help keep the tourist attraction area tidy. Toilets are available for your convenience. No littering (including empty bottles, packaging materials, waste paper, fruit peels, etc). Those who violate the rules shall be fined accordingly. 6、Admission by ticket only. Please follow instructions given by the personnel. Please respect the elders and care for the young; behave in a civilized manner while sightseeing.二、植物说明牌1、杜鹃坡 Azalea Hill2、山杏 Apricot Hill3、山核桃 Wild Pecan4、野韭菜坡 Wild Chive Hill5、榛子坡 Hazelnuts Hill6、黄花坡 Chrysanthemum Hill7、金莲花 Nasturtium (Tropaeolum)8、黄芩 Baikal Skullcap9、刺玫坡 Rosa Davurica Hill10、白桦林 White Birch Forest11、沙棘 Sea-buckthorn12牡丹园 Peony Garden 13戒 坛 Jie Tai Altar 14银 杏 Kingko 15丁 香 Lilac 三、地名说明牌1后花园 Back Garden2派出所Police Station3网球场 Tennis Court4方丈院 Fang Zhang Yuan (Courtyard of the Abbot)四、导向牌1、江水河村骑马观光区 Horseback Riding Scenery Area of Jiangshuihe Village2、灵山综合服务区 Mt. Lingshan Service Center3、去索道导向 To Cableway4、灵山导游图 Tourism Map of Mt. Lingshan5、厕所导向To Toilets6、索道入口 Cableway Entrance7、索道出口 Cableway Exit五、警示牌1、索道安全警示 Safety Instruction for Cableway2、请您排队购票 Please Line Up 3、小心滑倒 Mind Your Steps4、请沿此路上下山 Follow this path while hiking in the mountain5、请您爱护景区动物 Please do not harm the wildlife in the scenery area6、禁止攀折花木 No Picking ( Dont Pick The Flowers Please)7、请您在17:30分前下山 Please return by 5:30 pm8、雨雾天气结伴与早下山 On rainy or foggy days, please hike in groups and return early9、严禁攀爬索道 Do not climb onto cableways10保护古树 TAKE GOOD CARE OF THE ANCIENT(OLD) TREES11一级防火区 禁止使用明火 Class A Fire Zone, No Open Flame12旅游区内 禁止吸烟 No Smoking in the Tourist Attraction Area13请勿随手乱扔废弃物 保护环境卫生 No Littering. Please help preserve the environment.14、禁止攀登 No
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