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市场营销简历范文 市场营销专业的英语简历范文 英语简历是市场营销专业求职者给聘请单位发的第一份简要介绍。以下是细心推举的一些市场营销专业的英语简历.,一起来学习下吧! 市场营销专业的英语简历. George Mathew 15th Lane Avenue, Near New church, Georgina Home: 00658-21589-98754 Cell: 00125-4587-9685 E-mail:xuexila Career Profile: Highly accomplished, talented and professional Marketing Communication Specialist withextensive knowledge of sales in communication media and advertising materials. Seeking for aposition as Marketing Communication Specialist to enhance my professional experience andwork for the growth of the organization. Professional strengths: Possess highly organized and creative skills Familiar with media advertising and communications Possess advanced written and communication skills In-depth knowledge of communication products and services Extensive knowledge of computer programs like IIIustrator, Photoshop and DesktopPublishing Software Possess excellent problem solving and research skills Ability to handle multiple assignments simultaneously Possess excellent analytical and presentation skills In-depth knowledge of writing and editing industrial products Goal oriented and ability to work under pressure Professional Experience: Media Integrates Enterprises Co. Inc., Georgina 20XX till date Marketing Communication Specialist Assigned the tasks of reviewing sales reports to determine the success and failure ofadvertising campaigns Responsible for translating the trends of the organization to create effective marketingmaterials Handled the tasks of organizing marketing campaigns with colleagues to achieve customersatisfaction Responsible for creating brochures, press releases and advertisements Assigned the responsibilities of updating reports to the marketing manager or advertisingdepartment Oversaw traffic management like creative print, advertising, web and press opportunities Handled the tasks of assisting Communication Director in planning and executingcommunications strategies Worked cooperatively with Sales and Marketing management for projects and promotions Assisted seniors with a variety of Corporate Communications projects like creatingPowerPoint presentations, light copywriting and product promotions ABC Associates Co. Inc., Georgina 20XX to 20XX Marketing Communication Specialist Handled the tasks of writing and designing printed reports, newsletters and advertisementsto promote various products Assigned the tasks of conceptualizing, organizing, writing, editing and illustrating products Worked collaboratively with Marketing Department to develop sales prospect of theorganization Assisted Directors in direct mail campaigns and targeted mailings Responsible for coordinating and distributing materials from vendors Handled the tasks of gathering information and conducting market research of financialindustries Monitored and supervised roll-out of campaigns and evaluated the success level Assigned the tasks of direct mailing programs Educational Summary and Certifications: Bachelors degree in Marketing, College of Marketing and Advertisement, Georgina 19XX Masters degree in Business Administration, Department of MBA, Georgina University, 19XX Certification Course in Communication, Georgina 19XX Personal Details: Name: George Mathew Date of Birth: XX/XX/19XX Employment Status: Full time Relationship status: Married References: Will be available upon request 市场营销专业的中文简历.(一) 目前所在: 禅城区 年龄: 22 户口所在: 广东省 国籍: 中国 婚姻状况: 未婚 民族: 培训认证: 未参与 身高: 159 cm 诚信徽章: 未申请 体重: 人才测评: 未测评 我的特长: 求职意向 人才类型: 应届毕业生 应聘职位: 服装/纺织/皮革跟单: 工作年限: 0 职称: 求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 随时 月薪要求: 2021-3500 盼望工作地区: 佛山,肇庆,广州 工作经受 广州浦连化工科技有限公司 起止年月:2021-07 2021-08 公司性质: 私营企业 所属行业:贸易/进出口 担当职位: 实习生 工作描述: 浦连是我第一份的实习工作,在这一个月的实习里,让我真正的接触到.,学习到倾听,学习到与同事沟通,学习到用法公司的办公用具,学习到接听商务电话,跟重要的是学习到自己专业以外的一些专业学问。虽然,这次的实习自己在公司没做出过什么贡献,但却让我累积了多一些的阅历,增加了更多的课外学问,是我的人生阅历更为丰富多彩。 离职缘由: 财宝渔港 起止年月:2021-03 2021-07 公司性质: 私营企业 所属行业:快速消费品(食品,饮料,化妆品) 担当职位: 店员 工作描述: 在琶洲会展中心当餐馆店员的日子,让我明白到在服务业中做一名一般的店员,工作也并不是想象中的简洁和简单把握,所以需要更多的应变力量和处理事情的良好方式、看法等。在财宝渔港工作的每一天都要面对人流的高峰期,面对不同的客人和遇到一些突发的大事,在这过程中我学习到面对顾客要做到冷静从容,但同时也要做到有效率而心不急,由于心一急做起事情就会乱,影响的不只是自己,还会是客人和其他同事。 离职缘由: 中国联通(肇庆华盛通信有限公司) 起止年月:2021-08 2021-08 公司性质: 所属行业: 担当职位: 工作描述: 这次兼职的主要工作是向顾客介绍和推广联通新业务3G,通过此次兼职,使我了解了促销活动的基本流程和操作,把握了一些与顾客沟通的技巧及销售技巧,也明白到销售过程中向顾客供应信息和与顾客沟通的重要性。 离职缘由: 志愿者经受 训练背景 毕业院校: 广东技术师范学院 最高学历: 本科 获得学位: 毕业日期: 2021-06 专 业 一: 市场营销 专 业 二: 起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号 语言力量 外语: 英语良好 粤语水平
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