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( ) 1. I have _ English book. A. a B. 6 C. an ( ) 2. Put your math book _ your desk . A. at B. on C. the ( )3.-Let me help you -_ A. Thank you B. Here you are. C. Youre right. ( )4.-I have a new MP5. -_? What colour is it ? A. Good B. Really C. No ( )5. Lets _ and see . A. go B. to go C. going ( )6、Turn the light. A. B.on C.in ( )7、I have _ English book and _Chinese book. A.a; a B.a; an C.an; a ( ) 8. - Whats in the classroom?-Two doors and _ chairs. A. many B. may C. math( )9.I have _ new schoolbag. A. a B. an C. the( )10.Who has _ English book? A. a B. an C. the( )11._ in your hand? A. Where B. Whats C. How many( )12. _ is it? A. What B. Who C. What colour( )13.I have a new schoolbag. A.Really? B.OK! C. Thank you.( )14.There are 15 _ in the bag. A. pen B. a pen C. pens( )15. How many _ do you have ?A. English books B. English C. English book( )16. - Whats in your pencil-case?- A. Two rulers and a pen. B. Its a math book. C. A bag.( )17. - _ is the pen?-Blue. A.What B.What colour C. How many四、写出中文1.long hair_ 2. short hair_ 3. thin_4.strong_5.quiet_6.friendly_7.she_8.he_9.boy_ 10.girl_ 五、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. He (be) strong . 2.Tom (have) short black hair .3. (he) name is Tim . 4.How many (book) can you see ?5.I have some (candy) .六、给下列句子填空并排序。( )Thank you so much !( )Excuseme.Ilostmyschoolbag . ( )Here it is !( )OK. What is in it ?()An English book and a notebook.( )It is blue andwhite. ()Whatcolour is it ? 七、 连词成句。(15分)1. colour what it is ?2. a new have I schoolbag . 3. is , schoolbag, heavy , my .4. what, your ,in, is ,pencil box ?5. blue ,white ,it, is ,and .八、(1)用is、 are 、或am填空。1. She _ a girl . 2. I _ Amy. 3. We _ friendly.4.The cat white. 5.She tall and strong. 6. He quiet .7.Wu Yifan thin . 8.My mother short and thin.(2)用have 或has填空。1. I long hair . 2.I big eyes. 3.She short hair. 4.He big ears . 5.She long arms . 6.John big hands and big feet . 九、句子配对.(4分) ( )1.What colour is it? A. Its yellow.( )2.Whats in your bag? B. OK!( )3. I have a new schoolbag C. 3 pencils and many books.( )4.Lets clean the window. D. Really?一、Readanmatch。(句子配对,把它们用线连起来)(10分) 1Whoshe?AAmyismyfriend 2Whoisyourfriend?BTwentybooks 3Whatsinit?CMynameisWuYifan 4Whatsyourname?DHesMike 5. Whatis his name?Ehis name is Zhang Peng 二、Putthefollowingsentencesintherightorder(排列句子顺序。使其成为完整的对话)(10分) ()Whatshername? ()HernameisWeiFangShelikespainting ()Ihaveanewfriend ()AgirlShestallShesquiet ()Aboyoragirl? 三、Readandchoose(选择最佳答案)(10分) ( )1-Isyourfriendaboyoragirl?-_AYes,heisBAboyCGirl ( )2MyfriendisZhangPengHehas_hair AthinBstrongCshort ()3-Whosthisgirl?-_ AShesmymotherBShelikesmusicCShesmysister ()4-Ishestrong?-_ AYes,heis.BNo,heis.CNo,sheisnt. ()5-_? -HernameisBetty AWhatshername?BWhatsyourname?CWhatshisname?四、填入所缺的字母1.str_ng 2.fr_ _end 3.sh_ _4.gl_sses 5.h_ir 6.qu_ _t7.t_ _ 8.f_n 9.l_ _ _t 10.wind_ _第四单元一、圈出不同类的一项,把序号填在括号里。( )1.A. phone B. desk C. chair D.bed( ) 2.A.room B.kitchenC.bedroom D.bathroom( )3.A. key B. he C. she D.they( )4.A. in B. on C.under D.no( ) 5.A.fridge B.tableC.sofa D.bed六、填空。( )1.Where are the keys? _A. They are in the door. B. Its in the door. C. We are in the living room.( )2.Is Chen Jie in the bedroom? _ A. Yes, it isnt. B. No, hes in the kitchen C. Yes, she is.( )3.The phone is _ the desk. A. on B. in C. under( )4.Are they in the door? _ A. No, they arent. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, it is.( )5.How many English books do you have? _
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