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Unit 11 Scientific Achievements一. 单词拼写1. _ (失败) is the mother of success.2.Im glad to have this _(机会) of speaking to you alone.3.Then jet engine was a major _(突破) in the air transport.4. Our town is having such a _(繁荣) that it is likely to double its size in two years. 5S_ energy is a king of clean energy from the sun.6. If you want to take the job, you must first get s_ from your family.7. We have _ (达到) our study goals.8. Xiang Yufangs friends from his university in Beijing helped a_ for his return.9. Zhongguancun has had positive _ (影响) on business as well as science.10. The breakthroughs made by Chinese scientists are _(印象深刻的).二短语翻译:1. 依靠_2.进入,踏进_3. 提出_ 4.在基因研究领域_5. 开始创建_ 6.旨在,瞄准_7看第一眼,初见之下_8.开始生效_9.变得活跃,苏醒过来_ 10. 标着 _11致命的疾病 _ 12. 在随后的十年里_13 化学元素_ 14实现某人的目标 _15太阳能 _ 三、根据所给的中文完成下列句子1.我发现我与那些人有许多的共同之处。 I found_. 2.他们似乎有可能就要释放人质。_ that they will release the hostage soon. 3.许多政府把科学和技术看作一个国家发展的关键.Many governments view science and technology_4. 不管取得多大的成就,他从没有停止工作过。_, he never stops working . 5. 他们的成功绝非偶然现象Their success _6. 20世纪90年代末,中关村被设立为中国的经济特区. _.7. .科教兴国的国策已经使得中国取得一个又一个的胜利。The national policy _ has won over one victory after another in China8. 现在她住在北京并和她的朋友一起以中关村为基地经营着一家小公司Now she lives in Beijing and _together with her friends.9.越来越多的海外华人已经抓住机遇到国内发展他们的理念._to develop their ideas at home.10 . 中国已经实现了一些旨在提高人民的生活水平的农业政策China has carried out some new agricultural policies _IV. 句型转换: 根据原句意思完成句型转换,使其与原句意思相同或相近。1. Any accidents are likely to happen because of carelessness. _ _ _ any accidents will happen because of carelessness.2. All of the students cant operate the machine. _ _ the students _ operate the machine.3. The breakthrough may enable doctors to cure cancer. The breakthrough may _ _ _ for doctors to cure cancer.4. Human achievements are so important that we often name the age of man after the latest technology of the time. _ important _ human achievements _ we often name the age of man after the latest technology of the time.5. No matter what the future may bring to us, we must get ready to meet them. _ the future may have _ _ for us, we must get ready to meet them.五、单项选择1. Her speech was _ ,that is to say , we _ her speech .A .impressive ;were impressing by B .impressed ;were impressed atC .impressive ;were impressed by D .impressing ;were impressing at 2. Mr Green announced _ his friends his engagement _ Miss White .A . / ;to B .to ;to C . / ;with D .to ;with3. A new government _ after the civil war .A .was set up B .came into being C .was founded D .all the above 4 .The pupil set out _ his homework as soon as he went home .A .doing B .to do C .for doing D .to doing 5. Sarah , hurry up .Im afraid you wont have time to _ before the party .A .get changed B .get change C .get changing D .get to change 6. Every effort should be _ to make your dream _. A. made, come true B. spared, realize C. given, live D. spared, come true 7. I _ back the money .A .rely on him to pay B .rely on his paying C .depend on him to pay D .all the above 8. When it _ tennis , you cant beat her .A .come to B .come at C .come into D .come in9.When the teacher told the students they would have three days vacation, they _ at once .A .came to themselves B .came to lives C .came to their sense D .came to life 10 . _ with many other university students , he likes classical music better than rock music .A .To be like B .Getting on C .Together D . In common 11 .- How long will it take us to get there ? - That all _ .A .depends B .relies C .speaks D .expects12. His efforts ended in _ . Thats to say , he is _ as a nurse .A .a failure ;a failure B .a failure; failure C .failure; a failure D .failure ;failure 13.
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