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形容词比较级,用所给词的正确形式填空1, I am a little ( tall ) than you.2, Tom is ( cool ) than Jack.3, The Great Wall is ( old ) than the Guangzhou Tower.4, My brother is ( old ) than me.5, This girl is ( nice ) than that one.6, It is much ( safe ) to stay at home than to go out at night.7, Lily is ( thin ) than her classmates.8, Zeng Zhiwei is ( fat ) than Wang Zulan.9, This question is ( easy ) than that one.10, This question is ( difficult ) than that one.11, Fan Bingbing is ( famous ) than Yangmi.12, Some day, my hometown will become ( beautiful).13, I think today is ( tired ) than yesterday.14, This book is ( interesting ) than that one.15, Staying in bed is ( boring ) than going to school.16, Jacky Chan is ( popular ) than Wang Baoqiang.17, Nothing is ( enjoyable ) than playing basketball.18, The yellow bag is the ( expensive ) of the two bags.19, Listening to music is ( relaxing ) than playing computer.20, Playing football is ( dangerous ) than playing table tennis.21, Which one is ( exciting ), dog or cat?22, My pocket money is much ( much ) than yours.23, He felt bad yesterday. But now he feels a lot ( good ).24, I am ( bad ) at English than my brother.25, I have got ( little ) money than you. I have got ( few) apple than you.26, My house is ( far ) than yours.27, Which do you like ( good ), Chen Yixun or TFBOYS?28, Maomin is not so ( busy ) as Shanghai.29, I have got money as ( much) as you.形容词( adj. )和副词 (adv.)一,作用和位置(1) “形容词” 常用来修饰 ,放在名词的 或者be / 系动词(例如:become / get / turn / feel 等)的。例如: 漂亮的女孩beautiful girl (beautiful是形容词,放在名词girl的前面)The bag is big. ( big是形容词,放在be动词后面)(2“副词”修饰 ,常放在动词的,被修饰的形容词和副词的 。例如: 大声说speak loudly (speak是动词,loudly就是副词。) 非常好very good (good“好的”是形容词,very是副词,修饰good, 放在它的前面)二,副词的变化规则规则的变化:副词(adv.)=形容词+ ly例如:carefully = careful + ly slow (adj.缓慢的)t slowly (adv.缓慢地,慢慢地) quick (adj.迅速的,快的)t quickly (adv.快,迅速) safe t safely注意:(1)辅音字母加y结尾的,要把y变成i ,再加ly例如:happy (adj.高兴的)t happily (adv.高兴地)(2)有些词既可作形容词也可作副词。如: fast, early, late , hard , high等。(3)good的副词是well !(切记)1, 把下面形容词变成副词。heavy slow fastcareful light carelessbusy sad loudnatural successfullategood lucky early二,选词填空。1. He is astudent, and he always doesat school. ( good / well )2. My father usually finishes his jobs. He is aman.(successful / successfully)3. I am sotoday. I won the match. ( lucky / luckily)4. Shan ghai is acity. Every one works. (busy / busily )5. She sings really . ( good / well )6. Don drive too( fast ). Itsda ngerous.7. Tim goes to schoolevery day. But ifetootoday. ( early)8. I am n everfor school. But today I got to school too. ( late )9. Liste n to teachersin class. You should be.(careful / carefully)10, Tony is aboy. He lost his bagthis morning. ( careless /carelessly)三,用括号里所给词的正确行使填空。1. Lily left( angry ) yesterday.2. They are play ing basketball. They are sotoday.( happy)3. Please write it dow n( quick ).4.1 saw a gran dma walk( slow) in the park yesterday.5. Sally did npass the exam( successful), so she is crying( sad ).6. I can hear you( clear ). Can you say it( loud)?7. My gran dma is very ni ce. She always smiles at us( n ice).8. My mother( usual) goes shopp ing with me.9. Everyth ing is gett ing( good ).10. I hurt my knee( bad ) yesterday.11. I am work ing( hard ) to get the best score.12. We are playi ng( good ) as a team now.13. Childre n can lear n Ian guages more(easy) tha n adults.四.把下面句子翻译成中文。1. Damon是一个细心的男孩。他做任何事都非常认真。2. 要安全到家啊!3. Michael跳舞跳得真的很好。4. 妈妈悄悄地走进了我的房间5. 他总是早睡晚起6. 他跳得很高。副一,变化规则:包括规则的变化和不规则的变化 (1)规则的变化构成方法原级比较级一般都在词前面加 morecarefully , carelessly, easily, loudly, clearly在词尾加 -erearly , late, fast, high , hard(2)不规则的变化 级较级原级比较级littlefar原级比较级wellBadlymany/much1. Sorry, I can hear you. Please speak( loudly).2. Tony liste ns to teachers( careful ) tha n Kevi n.3. Dick does his home work( careless ) tha n you.4. We are trai ning( hard) because we want to wi n.5. Tom goes to school( late) tha n Tony.6. I usually get up( early ) tha n my sister.7. Sam did( well) this year tha n last year.8. Li Lei draws(badly) tha n Jim.9. Today Tom came to school( early)10. Please run( quickly ). Or weibe late.比较级固定句式(1) 比较级+ and +比较级=越来越/更、更例如: 香港正变得更大更繁荣。Ho ng Kong is getti ng bigger and busier . 他老了,走得越来越慢了。He is getting old and he walks 现在Simon学习越来越认真了。Now Simon is studying .(2) the +比较级,the +比较级 二越, 越Eg:开车越小心就越安全。The more carefully you drive, the safer it is.越 喝多可乐就 越胖。The more cola you drink, the fatter you become. 练习越多就越容易。 you practise,it is. 你说得越大声,我就越能听清楚。 you speak,I can hear you. 手机越新就越贵。 phones are,they are. 越努力就会越幸运。 you work, yo
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