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(完整版)一般现在时练习题附答案一、单项选择题1. A: Does Jack a tennis ball?B: No, he doesnt. He only a tennis bat.C. have; haveA. has; hasB. have; hasDon/t forget to ask him to write to me.I won/t. As soon as he here, 111 ask him to write to you.A. will comeB. comeC. comesD. is coming2. The final exam next Thursday.A. would take place B. take place4. Whats on the desk?There some books.A. isB. are5. It only him 20 minutesC. is taking place D. takes placeC. beD. will beto his office every day.A. takes; drives B. take; driveC. takes; driveD. takes; to drive6. One of the boys a pet. The pet is really cute.A. haveB. hasC. havingD. are havingI think I will take a bus to the school meeting.The bus? If you,you will be late.A. didB. have done C. will doD. doMy grandmother up at 5 o/clock in the morning.A. get always B. always get C. always gets D. gets alwaysAmys mother always her English every day.A. makes; read B. makes; to read C. make; reading D. make; to readDo you like the volleyball player Zhu Ting?Of course. Not only I but also my parents her fans.A. amB. areC. wasD. wereLily looks her mother and she playing the guitar.A. like; like B. likes; likes C. likes; like D. like; likesI notice mum/s hair grey this year.She too hard and theres too much for her to worry. Lets try to share theburden.A. gets; always worksC. getting; is always workingburden.B. gets; always worksC. getting; is always workingC. got; always worksD. gets; is always working Does your sister playing tennis?Yes, she does. She playing ping-pong, too.A. like; likeB. like; likesC. likes; likeD. likes; likes7. Your family have set up a WeChat group. Could you tell me?It is more convenient to communicate with our family.A. what it is used forB. why did it set upC. when it was set upD. how did it set up8. Smiling that people are pleasant.A. showedB. showsC. is showing D. showHe will watch TV as soon as he his work.A. will finishB. finishC. finishesMary an email now. She often email at night.A. writes; is writingB. is writing; writesC. writes; writesD. is writing; is writing9. Uncle John has a big farm and he the animals every morning.A. feedB. feedingC. feedsD. fedEnglish all over the world.A. speaksB. are spokenC. is speakingD. is spokenGina/s books are everywhere. So she always them.A. look atB. looks forC. look for二、用单词的正确形式填空10. Peter(have) a brother and two sisters.11. Tom often(stay) at home on weekends.12. Susan(smile) at him and waved.13. They(agree) with each other because they have different ideas.14. My mom is 1.67 meters tall and(weigh) 65 kilos.15. I(be sure) we will find each other.16. Our parents(provide) us with food and clothes.17. Li Hua as well as his parents(go) to the cinema once a week .18. If he(study) hard, he will pass the exam.19. Emma(not like) tennis. She likes soccer.20. In some families, competition starts very young and until the kids get older, (continue)His mother often(help) him to do his homework.21. He always(come) very late.22. Our teacher told us that light(travel) much faster than sound.23. My clothes(be) red and white.24. How much(be) the chicken?25. Too much work and too little rest often I to illness.26. Miss Smith(teach) us science.27. Jim(not finish) his homework in five days.28. He(not go) to bed at 8:00 p.m. 三、完成句子海边的那些漂亮房子属于那对老夫妇。The beautiful houses near the sea that old couple.29. 我想知道那儿的孩子是否也给他们的父母送相似的礼物。I children over there also give similar gifts totheir parents.30. 他们通常步行去上学,这是一段很长的路。They usually to school and it is a way.31. 一一金秀贤来自哪儿? 他来自韩国。Kim Soo-hyun from?He is from Korea.32. 成年人也喜欢卡通。love cartoons, too.33. 我对潮流的衣服不感兴趣。Ifashionable clothes.34. 你是否能成功取决于你工作有多努力。Whether or not you can succeed how hard you work.35. 我很乐意来,但是恐怕我不能。Id love to come,I cant.36. 我的同桌每天乘地铁上学。My desk-mate to school every day.37. 汤姆只有六岁,但他从不迷路。Tom is only six years old, but he never.38. 妈妈希望我通过入学考试。Motherthat I canthe entrance examination.39. .许多粉丝都希望有一天能够见到周杰伦。Lots of fans Jay Chouone day. 53.他总是跟我们一起玩游戏。 He always with us.54 .我经常骑自行车去上班。I often by bike.55 .现在越来越多的外国人对中国文化感兴趣了。Now more and more foreigners Chinese culture.56 . 一一你能告诉我乐队今晚什么时间开始演奏吗? 在晚上8点开始。Could you tell me the band this evening?It starts 8:00 p.m.57 .我想知道接下来我们该去哪儿。I we should go next.58 .人们砍伐大量的树木,导致大象正在失去他们的家园。People many trees so elephants are losing their homes. 59.要完成这些作业很容易。 very easy the homework.60 .长津湖是我看过的最精彩的电影之一。 The Battle At Lake Changjin I have ever seen.【参考答案】一、单项选择题1. B2. C 3. D 4.B 5.D 6. B 7.D8. C 9. A 10. B 11.DD13. B 14. A15. B 16. C 17.B18. C 19. D 20. B二、用单词的正确形式填空has 22. stays 23. smiled 24. disagree 25. weighs 26. amsure27. provide 28. goes 29. studies 30. doesntlike 31. continueshelps 33. comes 34. travels 35. are 36. is 37. (I)eads38. teaches 39. wontfinish 40. doesntgo三、完成句子
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