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初中英语外研版七年级下册高效课堂资料odule1 Losta fouUnit2 Are they yors?教学设计【教学目的】1、掌握下列词汇 amera, phone, mbile pone, lostad fon offce, in hur, lav, a, a, why, airort, hnrd, hdds f, k for,thousad, strange, boat, duck, pi, sausage、掌握如下语法:Fininut watblngs t whom【教学重难点】Fiing out what belngso whom【学时安排】1学时【教学过程】Step 1 Wmin-up1 Shwsom icture t reew the words o school things. 2 Reie he ex of U 3.Rad th wrdsaft eteachr.4ntroduceheew words.Step 2 omplete the senencs 1. As tstuentstoea thword i te box in Actvty1camea omue mbilephon2. Look t pictues i ii 1 creflly.3ead thg teenens m is talking to awmaat the lost andnd ofie e looing orhs _. A ma is geting o t bu. Hi_ s lost4. Clet theseences ith the orrect wordsdpressin romte bx5. k thesuents tocheck wi rtnr.6 Cecktheansws:Step 3 eaing.Play th recordig.2. As tetuents torad hrug he passag.3. et pasagead answr he question.1)Whn d people ften ose hings?2) Why are erelt a fod offices t aiportnsatins?3) at d eople t he lot an fond oie?4) Wa strange thig are theratthe New rk yLost d Foud Ofice?. eck ha prtne.5. Calba the aners fromhe hole class.6. Red the ext tote7. Laning ler. Radng sages wthterest fcs anhel yu undersand and rmmberEngli.Try tofnd passageswth f tored.tp 4 Do execies.1.Asthe stuets to the words in the box ictivty .airort hundreds f lrg lose sage tation strne2 Ask tetet t readthougthe assage i iity 3People in a hurron (1)_ ths, ndthere are ()_hin t lost an ound fces at(3)_ ad (4)_ At thNewYorkity ost a Found Office, therare alo soe ver(5)_thig. hr are fen kilos f (6)_ ar hy your?Anhowdo ouloe a (7)_ ba n a train?3.mlete th ssage ihte cre rom of thewordsand xpessionfrothe bo.4. heckith a parer5 Call bac the aswer from the whle class.6. ead th passagetogetherSte Gussin game1. Showome pitures.2. coring to theformatinvead ask thsudt toguess what it s.3 Sho h ptures to ceck th answs.Step 6 ritng. Red th lst and ounnoe.rienote fo two moe hng.Found Is this your bag?Call Betty at 23690390.LostMy gloves.Theyre blue.Call Tony at 85749326. 2. hck ith a artne. Cll back theanwers fo th hol clss.Step 当堂检测根据句意及汉语提示写出句中所缺单词。 1. This _(照相机) i now o sle for 1ollrsonly2 Ar y ing to Americb oator by _(飞机)?3 hisrees said o be one _(千)years ol4. Te boyoften a his teachrs some _(奇怪的)quesios5 Ho lg esi tae to go t th airport by _(出租车)?根据句意从方框中选择恰当的词填空,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。mile hone,hndreds , ia hurry, lok fr, at te arprt1 Mr.Geenson is ll, h take i heositl _.2 The frerkeeps _pigs on h fam.3. Te ms waletis los, he _it4 Mie has a ic _, heofeues itto cal hi peried5. r.Smit s aiing or h fren_.
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