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Unit 6 Sad movies make me cry I. Review1) 一直等她让我很生气。2) 我宁愿待在家里也不愿去公园。3) 为什么不去看电影呢?4) 汶川在2008年发生了一场大地震。5) 我们在一起越多,我们就越开心。Keys: Waiting for her drove me angry.Id rather stay at home than go to the park.Why dont you/not go to the movies?A big earthquake happened in Wenchuan in 2008.The more we get together, the happier we are. II. Free talkWhat can make you happy?III. Reading1. 3a Read the story and answer the questions.1) Can medicine help the ill king? Why or why not?2) Why does power not make the prime minister happy?3) Why does money not make the banker happy?4) Why does fame not make the singer happy?Keys: No. The doctor says there is nothing was wrong with his body.Hes always worried about losing his power. Many people are trying to take his position.Hes always worried about losing his money. Someone tries to steal his money every day.” Hes always worried about being followed by others, so he cannot be free!2. 3b Find words or phrases from the story with meanings similar to these phrases.1) did not want to eat _2) was asked to come and help _3) look carefully at _4) becoming less important _5) get my job _Keys: didnt feel like eatingbe called inexaminelosing powertake my position3. 3c Role-play the story with your group. King: Im unhappy. I sleep badly and dont feel like eating.Doctor: Its all in his mind. Neither medicine nor rest can help him. What he needs is the shirt of a happy person to wear. Thatll make him happy.Prime Minister: Although I have a lot of power, it doesnt make me happy. Im always worried about losing my power. Many people are trying to take my position.Banker: Oh, Im afraid Im not happy either, I have a lot of wealth, but Im alwaysworried about losing my money. Someone tries to steal my money every day.Singer: Its true that Im famous and everyone loves my songs. But Im not happybecause Im always worried about being followed by others. I cannot be free!IV. Language points.1. He slept badly and didnt feel like eating. 他的睡眠很糟糕,他也不想吃东西。 feel like doing 想做某事 e.g. I feel like having a drink. 我想喝点酒。2. His face was always pale as chalk. 他总是面色苍白。 (as) pale as chalk是一种明喻修辞结构,虽然英语把苍白比作chalk(白垩,一种白色石灰岩),但汉语不可真译,相当于我们说的“惨白;苍白”。 e.g. You look as pale as chalk today. Whats wrong? 今天你看着面色苍白,哪里不舒服?另外值得注意的是,汉语描述不健康的人的面部颜色时常用“白”字,如“煞白;苍白;灰白”等等,英语常用pale来表达。e.g. He suddenly went pale. 他突然面色苍白。3. One day, a doctor was called in to examine the king. 一天,医生被传唤去给国王检查身体。 call in 召来,叫来 e.g. He only waited two minutes before he was called in. 他只等了两分钟就被叫了进去。 Call in the doctor at once. 马上去请医生来。call短语归纳call back 唤回,叫回; 回电话,再打电话call up (给)打电话; 想起,回忆起call away 叫走,叫开 4. Neither medicine nor rest can help him. 药物和休息对他都无帮助。 neither 表示“两者都不”; 常用词组:neithernor 既不也不,谓语动词跟最近的主语一致 e.g. Neither he nor I am from Beijing. 他和我都不在北京。both, either & neitherneither表示“两者都不”, 作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。 e.g. Neither of his parents is a doctor. 他的父母都不是医生。both表示“两者都”,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 e.g. Both of his parents are doctors. 他的父母都是医生。either表示“两者中的任何一个”,作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。 e.g. Either of his parents is a doctor. 他的父母中有一个是医生。【链接】both . and . 连接主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;either . or . 与neither . nor . 连接主语时,谓语动词常与离它最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。e.g. Both my sister and my mother are teachers. Either Tom or I have to clean the room. Neither the twins nor John knows how to spell the word.将下列句子翻译成英语。1) 那两个双胞胎女孩都有礼貌。2) 她的两个哥哥都不喜欢垃圾食品。3) 他或者我准备去参加会议。Keys: Both of the twin girls are polite.Neither of her brothers likes junk food.Either he or I am going to the meeting.5. Im always worried about losing my power. Many people are trying to take my position. 我总在担心失去我的权力。 很多人都想要取代我的位置。 1) be worried about =worry about 担心 e.g. We are all worried about my grandpas health. 我们总是担心我爷爷的健康。2) take ones position 取代某人的位置 同义词组:take ones place e.g. He takes my position/place. 他取代了我的位置。6. Its true that Im famous and everyone loves my songs. 我很有名气,每个人都喜欢我的歌曲,这是事实。 Its+ adj. +that 从句 某事/做某事是怎样的e.g. It is important that we all should attend the meeting. 重要的是我们每个人都应该参加这个会议。7. Im always worried about being followed by others. 我总是担心被人跟随。 be followed by 被跟随 e.g. Lightning was quickly followed by heavy thunder. 闪电过后,很快就是雷声滚滚(打雷跟在闪电之后)8. find a happy man in three days time. in three days time 3天的时间 in+时间段 在一段时间内,用于将来时 e.g. I will be back in three days. 我三天之内回来。V. Homework1. 我今天不想打篮球。2. 她的爸爸和妈妈都不喜欢看足球。3. 父母总是很担心我们的学习。4. 学生们应该学好英语,这很重要。5. 一个星期后他会去北京。 1
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