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ClozeesAt the binng of the rd, l te eopllied in ne plce. s ie we y,tht part heearth eme vry_ , ad man famlesbegan to move awy, ooking fo ew _2_ . Mny of them movitoa country. Thr tey found tat socol eade into bricks, whic mad t_3_ for thm o bd housesto live n.Then tey watet_4_a rea cindreeeryoneaound them.Ty sd, Letbuild a gra owe, ad te to of it will _5_ te sk. Then we wi _6_, annevr b caterd(分散) overte eart. So they beganto uild a gre towe t fbcks Howevr, Goddi ot wis thepple of te eath to_7_ close tethe. ekne tha _thal ivedtogete, th worlwouldbecm crwdd and obe_ t lve an more. o whil hey wee uildinghe great t, od ade teir speech _10 .Before thisall pee hathe same_11_ , but wsuddel theyculd not _1_ oneanote h membersf one fmily ould oudertd tosof _13_ family. So te sattered tthe _4_ad t thesout, theeas andtothe wes,andthe arth becmecoveed wth peole.They livd i may lnds ad spoe many laguag. _15_ th owe sted orever uniisd. The city they hadbuit was afteward knwn asBbylon, and the tower s eTwer of Babel. 1. . crowed B. iteresting C. war . rich2. A life .frid .food D. fun 3. A. fre B easy C slo had 4 A. by . send C.e D. ld5. .hod B. eep C.reah . lae 6. A. brek . ta ogether . kepaway D. en u 7 A.ve B. fllow C.sep ork 8. Auness . tou C i D.hw . A. bored B. abe . lonly D. frieny 0. A stop B.pas . move D. cange 11. A. language . name C. purose D. oby 12.A.hear B. udendC. ie D. met 13. Aanohr . ech C. t D. eihe 14. . lad .rgt Cearth D.orth 1. A. As BBut C.o D r ramrEve y, 340 lon peoplp it. O bllion eople _ (ar) it ad itis si thaby 2050, hlf f the wrld poplation wil e sing t. The lg f ngi strd in Britain et nty.I a mixed langage It was bilt up hen erma,candiavia (斯堪的纳维亚的)and rench invder (侵略者)stled n Egnd an ade acomon nguage fr omunicatio.Toay, it is the _17_(offie) aae of the UK, he US,Austal, New eaand, anda, SouthAfricaand relds wll asmayslas in te Caribea (加勒比海). Many _18_ countriesn region use i _9_ ltics d bsines,for example, Inda, Pistn, Nieria nd te Phlippine. nglish is lsone o the offcal languas f HongKng Egish is a ess (杂乱的) language. Eerea, diinaries inlud new wds tht alk boutpopular cultre,fo exampl,comptr-eltd worsuch as bgi,dowlad ad chatom. Also iclue are wrd _20_ enaers ue.Who doesnot no cool, OK d helo? the lnge_influence glh My Enishrds cme from ech.Wos ik cae? and _22_(epress) ike st avi (thtsife) re all part o theEnglsh langue. On the teran, the Frenchlanguage includes ngish wod_3_e weekend and ampg. Germanwods aralso prt of glish. Woslkidergarte cme from the _24_(Germ) lguag. Reny, rit peple ave ecme _25_(nteret) inoga(瑜伽). Buthe wod omes fro a ancintin anguag in India.All nal, tEnlish guag s full of wists and urns nd itis chning all thetime.Masureyokp upith t!Reading CorehensinANewkind oEnglsh are apprg. More d mre non-ativ speakersus hem t omunice with nati skrs.Sothre s ic question bu aringEgliht e hve to answr.hould yutr t get to nativsaer accracy (精确), orjut fective (有效的) communicatn withu perfetion (完美)? ffshre Egsh isa knd olangge sokenargel byno-naive speakrs. It oten appeas i itenatioa business situation. Other languagesifue OfsheEngiso tht someexprsin sou alittl srng. toughnati-spakers dt seak t way, thy ca still der-st i. For xample, Iamoing omy coany sc the yers i nt grammtiallycrect. Th sente include twmstakscommon t manypeo who speak Englisa frinnug, btthere is nanf msunderstandng t te pekermans. any no-natespeakrs of Englih spk less han 100% curte Engli. f themenng islar, thei is notecesary orry
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