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Temporary Staff:A: You see, it seems busy season is coming and our current sales staff cannot manage this period alone.B: Yes, I think, we should employ 5 temporary sales assistant to solve this problem. What type of person do you think would be ideal for the vacancy?A: in my opinion, our ideal sales assistants should be experienced, since a green hand in sales just dons possess the necessary skills to communicate with the customers and its impossible for us to offer them training.B: Yes, experience is very important. Experienced sales assistants can save a lot of time and it cannot cause us to lose profit in the golden period of the year. Besides, we should consider the necessary personalities, such as hard-working, honest, clean and neat in appearance and even good-looking?A: as for “Good looking”, that sounds a bit critical, doesnt it? B: Yes, but handsome or charming faces really help a lot. You cannot deny it.A: Yes, I think so. However, if our recruiting criteria are too critical, it may be difficult for us to find excellent sales assistants in such a busy commercial season. Sales assistants are in great need these days, you know.B: you are to the point. Thats why we have to think about how to attract good sales assistants, any good ideas?A: since we hire sales assistants on temporary basis, long-term benefits, such as training opportunity, career development, leisure activities on working time, health care will not be taken into consideration. Instead, we should focus on salary.B: Yes, I cannot agree more. We can offer them handsome可观的 salary, such as commission based on their sales volume. For example 10% commission of their sales volume. A: thats really a good idea. That is to our mutual benefits. Besides, we can also decorate our shop much nicer as a good working condition, to encourage them to work harder. B: as for working condition, we can also offer them free lunch. And I heard that some company give discounted shopping as an award to better performed employees.A: Good idea, thats temping!B: You see, I myself even hope to join them.
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