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小学一年级至三年级英语知识整理1(金)2013-05-20 10:03:49|分类:信息互通|字号订阅时间:morning早晨, afternoon下午, evening晚上称呼:Miss小姐, Mr先生, Mrs夫人;twin双胞胎, boy男孩, girl女孩, man男人, woman女人, baby宝宝亲戚、家庭(family):dad (father)父亲, mum (mother)母亲, grandpa(外)祖父, grandma(外)祖母, uncle叔叔(舅舅等), aunt阿姨(舅妈), brother兄弟, sister姐妹,cousin外甥职业:teacher教师, doctor医生, nurse护士, worker工人, cook厨师, student学生学习工具:book书本, bag包, pencil铅笔, pencil box (pencil case)铅笔盒,pen钢笔, crayon蜡笔, ruler尺, rubber橡皮, schoolbag书包, lunch box(午餐盒), blackboard黑板(教师专用)科目(lesson):Chinese语文, Music音乐, English英语, Maths数学, PE体育, Art美术动物:cow奶牛, duck鸭子, pig猪, cat猫, dog狗, bee蜜蜂, bird鸟, ant蚂蚁, butterfly蝴蝶, monkey猴子, tiger老虎, panda熊猫, bear熊, lion狮子, parrot鹦鹉, puppy小狗, chicken鸡器官:mouth嘴巴, nose鼻子, ear耳朵, eye眼睛动作:run跑, jump跳, sing唱歌, dance跳舞, swim游泳, skate溜冰, shout喊叫, eat吃, talk说, sleep睡, drink喝, walk走, make制作, see看, guess猜, out出局, look at看向, listen to听, play football踢足球, play chess下象棋 open the door开门, close the window关窗, stand up起立, sit down坐下, come in进来 go to school去学校, go home回家, go to bed去睡觉 count from one to ten从一数到十 fly away飞走, be my friend成为我的朋友 wake up醒过来, get up起床新年用品:card贺卡, red packet红包,bell铃铛玩具(toy):doll洋娃娃, kite风筝, balloon气球, puzzle拼图, yo-yo溜溜球, puppet木偶, robot机器人, CD光盘服装:coat外套, sweater毛衣, T-shirt T恤衫, skirt短裙, jacket夹克衫, dress连衣裙, shirt衬衫, blouse女式衬衫, cap鸭舌帽三餐:breakfast早餐, lunch午餐, dinner晚餐食物:pie馅饼, cake蛋糕, hamburger汉堡包, hot dog热狗, bread面包, milk牛奶, rice米饭, chocolate巧克力, sweet糖果, ice cream冰激凌水果:banana香蕉, pear梨, mango芒果, peach桃子, orange橙子蔬菜:carrot胡萝卜, bean豆荚, tomato西红柿, potato土豆植物:flower花朵, tree树交通工具:bus公交车, car轿车, taxi出租车, bike自行车, plane飞机, train火车, jeep吉普车, boat船家具:door门, window窗, desk课桌, sofa沙发, table桌子, chair椅子, bed床, TV电视机物品:bottle瓶子, box盒子, can罐头地点:park公园, zoo动物园, cinema电影院, library图书馆, farm农场颜色(colour):red红, green绿, blue蓝, yellow黄, brown棕, orange橙, black黑, white白数字:one一, two二, three三, four四, five五, six六, seven七,eight八, nine九, ten十, eleven十一, twelve十二方位:on上, in里, under下, behind后, beside旁边, here这里, there那里 (举例)in the classroom在教室里, in the library在图书馆里, on the farm在农场上, under your chair在你的椅子下星体:sun太阳, moon月亮, star星星四季:spring春, summer夏, autumn秋, winter冬形容词:fine好, well好, good好, big大, small小, bright明亮的, nice漂亮的, new新的, great棒, beautiful漂亮的, lovely可爱的, little小, nice and neat漂亮又整洁感受:like喜欢, want (to)= would like (to)想要礼貌用语:please请, Im sorry.对不起Thank you.谢谢be动词:am, is, are(是)判断词:yes, no, not不是代词:this这个, that那个, these这些, those那些疑问代词:who谁, what什么, where哪里, when几时, how怎样, how old多大, how many多少其他:too也, class同学(班级), friend朋友, and和, or或者, but但是, in class在上课, oclock点钟(整点), picture图片人称代词:主宾物主(的)我ImemyI am = Im你youyouyouryou are = youre他hehimhishe is = hes她sheherhershe is = shes它itititsit is = its我们weusourwe are = were你们youyouyouryou are = youre他们theythemtheirthey are = theyre小学一年级至三年级英语知识整理2(金)小学一年级至三年级英语知识整理2(金)2013-05-20 10:05:41|分类:信息互通|字号订阅句型:【1A】Hello, Im你好,我是Good morning (afternoon, evening).早上。(好)This is这是I love you.我爱你Put the book in the bag.把书放到包里。Is this? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.这是。?是的。不是。Whats this?这是什么Touch your nose.碰你的鼻子Hands up.举手 Hands down.手放下 Follow me.跟我做 Turn around.转圈What can you do? I can (动作).你会做什么?我会。Happy New Year! Thank you.新年快乐!谢谢。What colour? Its blue.什么颜色?蓝色。【1B】Whats your name? My name is你叫什么名字?我叫。How are you? Im fine (well, good).你好吗?我很好。Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。That is那是。Is that?那是。?Whats that?那是什么?Good boys wait in a queue.好男孩排成队。Can you? Yes, I can. No, I cant.你能。?是的,我能。不,我不能。Happy birthday!生日快乐!How old are you? Im(数字).你几岁了?我。Lets go to the park.让我们去公园吧。【2A】Whos he/she? Hes/Shes他/她是谁?他/她是。Whats he/she? Hes/Shes他/她是做什么的?他/她是。Look at the moon! Oh, its bright. In the sky at night.看那月亮!噢!真亮。在夜晚的天空上。Draw a star.画一颗星Clean the , please. All right./Ok.请把。擦干净。好的。What are these? They are .这些是什么?他们是。What are those? They are .那些是什么?他们是。A pie, please. Here you are. Thank you.请给我一个馅饼。给你。谢谢。Have some. Ok. Thanks. I like .吃一些。好的,谢谢。我喜欢。Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐。The is for you. Thank you.这。是给你的。谢谢。Put on Take off All rihgt./Ok.穿上。脱下。好的。Its so cold/ hot.好冷啊。好热啊。【2B】Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I dont.你喜欢。?是的。不是。What do you like? I like你喜欢什么?我喜欢。What can you see? I can see你能看到什么?我能看到。What do you have? I have你有什么?我有。What lessons do you have? We (I) have你有什么课?我们有。Lets count the How many?让我一起数一数。多少个?Can I help you? Id like我能帮你什么?我想要。There is a 那里有。Lets keep the water clean. 让我们保证水质干净。Where is the Its。在哪里?它在。Where are the They are。在哪里?他们在。Its time to 到了。的时候了。【三上】Are you? Yes, I am. No, Im not.你是。?是的。不。Yo
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