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Unit 1 Great scientistsSection 1 Vocabulary & Reading. Teaching aims 教学目标 Knowledge goal: Learn and master the new words of this unit. Get to know how Doctor John (知识目标) Snow defeat Cholera by experiment.Ability goal: Enhance students self-learning ability and reading ability. (能力目标)Important point : Key words and phrases of this unit; Mater the main idea of this passage. (教学重点) Difficult point: Master the main idea of this passage.(教学难点) . Preview before class 预习导学().Match the words with correct meaning.1suspect Ato invite sb.to enter a competition, fight, etc.2challenge Bto officially tell people about sth.3conclude Cto think sb./sth.is responsible for sth.bad4blame Dto think that something is true or not true5announce Eto complete something; to form a judgement6expose Fto show something that is usually covered or hidden7contribute Gcareful to avoid danger or risk8cautious Hto give money, goods or your time and effort in order to achieve sth.答案:18DAECBFHG().Write the Chinese meaning of each bold short phrases.1He put forward a workable plan at the meeting.提出2Its harmful to expose the skin to the sun for a long time.使显露;暴露3The highspeed railway links Shanghai to Beijing.将和联系或连接起来4After reading his letter, I drew a conclusion that he was not happy.得出结论5The boy was absorbed in watching the World Cup football match.全神贯注于. Inquiry learning and practice 问题探究与练习内化()Skim the text and choose the main idea of the passage.AJohn Snow was a wellknown doctor in London.BThe cause of cholera was polluted water.CThe source of all drinking water supplies should be examined.DHow John Snow collected, analyzed data and found the cause of cholera and solved it.答案:D()Read the text and choose the best answers.1According to John Snows view, _.AQueen Victoria suffered a lot from bad healthBa cure had been found for cholera before his timeCcholeras cause had to be discovered in order to control itDthousands of terrified people knew what they should do2Which of the following theories did John Snow believe in?AA cloud of dangerous gas would float around until it found its victims.BPeople absorbed cholera into their bodies with their meals.CPeople got infected with cholera because of cold and hunger.DPeople suffered from cholera because they were not clean.3Before 1854, when cholera broke out, _.Amany thousands of people diedBpeople with cholera could be curedCJohn Snow began to know its causeDJohn Snow became inspired4How did he find out the cause of the disease?ABy living in the area where cholera broke out.BBy marking a map where all the dead people had lived.CBy telling the terrified people how to prevent it.DBy saving the dying people suffering from cholera.5How was “King Cholera” defeated?ABy not polluting the river again.BBy eating healthy diets.CBy delivering the water from other rivers.DBy stopping drinking the polluted water.答案:15CBABD()Read the text carefully and fill in the chart with the information in the text.JOHN SNOW DEFEATS “KING CHOLERA”The problemNobody knew the _ of the serious disease of cholera.The causeIdea 1: a strange cloud of gas found its _Idea 2: people _ the disease with meals.The _collecting information from the cholera outbreak to prove which theory was correctThe resultsHe found the cause of cholera was the _ water.Idea 1 or 2? Why?Idea 2.Because the information showed that the dirty water _ cholera.The _He defeated cholera by _ the water supply and dealing with the polluted water.答案:causevictimsabsorbedmethodpollutedcarriedconclusionexamining ()Analyze the following difficult sentences in the text.1But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.(P2)Analyze sentence patterns:
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