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Unit10 L3 Your Money模块练习 I. 根据英文释义及本单元所学词汇填写单词,并用其适当形式填空。 A 1._ something that amuses, entertains, or pleases.2. _ to make an earnest or urgent request, as for help.3._ to have within; hold.4._ to move from a place or position5. _the act of soaking or cleansing the body, as in water or steam.B 6. He _ to his friends for support7. The pill is very good , for it _ vitamins. 8. I am very tired , so I am going to have a _9. Reading and seeing movies are among my _. 10. Students_ several desks to another classroom.II. 根据所给首字母或汉语提示填写单词。1. The nations e_ is growing rapidly. 2. The child likes e_ toys. 3. _, no one had ever thought of such a simple idea before.4. The young lady b_ courageously in the face of danger. 5. P_ experience is often very important. 6. The train must stop when the _(信号)is red. 7. This washing-machine is fully _(自动的). 8. He took out the binoculars(双筒望远镜) and adjusted the _(焦距). 9. There are times when I _(真地) believe your questions will drive me crazy.10. _(电的) lights have replaced candles. 短语填空用所给短语的正确形式填空。how about , agree with , if so , in fact , what is more , go through , worry about , as soon as 1. I will call you _ I come back home.2. _ going to the theater tonight ?3. She learns quickly, and _, she remembers what she has learnt.4. The country_ too many wars in the past 20 years.5. Dont spend your time_ silly things. 6. I cant _ what you said at the meeting. 7. Have you got a free evening next week? _, lets have dinner8. I think so; _, I am quite sure. 介(副)词填空用适当的介词或副词填空。1. As we all know , riders need a good sense _of balance2. I realized it was useless _reason with him. 3.The date of the meeting was advanced _four days.4. What puzzles me is why they didnt show _. 5. When you called me , we were listening _a report6. The store has a lot of regular customers. 7. It is well known that all the rivers flow _the sea. 单句改错 下面各句中均有一处错误,请找出并改正。1. Here I would stress the importance of mathematics to the whole of science.2. You have the free of my house and gardens. 3. This is a French translation by A Farewell to Arms.4. The streets were as noisy like ever. 5. He didnt go to school. Instead of he went to the cinema. 6. Little did I dream about succeeding so well.7. I have difficulty finish the task.8. Sorry, sir. No one is allowed, whoever he is, entering this room without permission. 翻译擂台 将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 他被迫离开了音乐厅。2. 要想学好英语不容易。3. 就是他因为没有完成作业受到了老师的处罚。4. 我起早是为了赶早班公车。5. 布是由棉花制成的。参考答案:I. 1. amusement 2. appeal 3. contain 4. remove 5. bath 6. appealed 7. contains 8. bath 9. amusements 10. removedII. 1. economy 2. electric 3. Incredibly 4. behaved 5. Practical 6. signal 7. automatic 8. focus 9. truly 10. Electric短语填空:1. as soon as 2. How about 3. whats more 4. has gone through 5. worrying about 6. agree with 7. If so 8. in fact介副词填空:1. of 2. to 3. by 4. up 5. to 6. of 7. into 单句改错: 1. important改为importance 2. free 改为freedom 3. by 改为of 4. like 改为as 5. 删去of 6. about 改为 of 7. finish改为finishing 8. entering改为to enter翻译擂台:1. He was forced to leave the concert hall. 2. It is not easy to learn English well. 3. It was he that/who was punished by the teacher for not having finished his homework. 4. I got up early to catch the first bus. 5. Cloth is made from cotton.
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