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(完整word版)2015年山东省春季高考英语模拟试题2015年春季高考模拟考试英语试题本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分80分,考试时间60分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第卷(选择题 共50分)一、英语知识运用(本大题共30个小题,每小题1分,共30分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项选出)1。 - Who is the boy over there? _ is my brother.A. HeB。 HisC. HimD. Himself2。 How many _ are there in the international village? - 360.A. ChineseB。 RussianC。 AmericanD。 German3。 How are you today, Frank? Much _, but my doctor says Ill still have to rest for another few days。A。 wellB。 goodC. bestD. better4。 How do you read “March 8? It reads “_”.A. March eight B。 March the eighth C。 March eighth D. the eighth March5. Excuse me。 Is there a bus stop nearby? Yes. Walk that way. The bus stop is _ the left, _ the supermarket.A. at, cross from B. on, across from C。 in, across to D. to, cross to6。 She is_ honest girl _we all love her.A。 so, that B. such ,that C 。such an, that D。 too, to7.Idontknowhowtousethedigitalcamera. Itdoesntmatter.Hereisthe_. A.messageB.instructionC。informationD.advertisement8. John asked his father _he would buy a new computer or not。A。 if B. whether C。 why D. who9。 This is the girl_ elder sister is a dancer.A. who B. whose C。 whom D. who 10.-Canyoutellme_thepriceofthedressis? Yes,Imgladto. A。howmuchB。howmanyC.whatD。how11。 It is important for him _ this.A。 understandB。 understandingC。 understoodD。 to understand12。 _ you study harder, youll never pass the final exam.A。 If B。 Unless C。 Until D. when13。 Is it _ English dictionary? Yes, and it is _ useful one.A. a; aB. a; anC. an; aD. an; an14。 - Is Jack in the supermarket? Maybe. I saw him _ it with a shopping cart。A。 enterB. enteredC。 enteringD. enters15。 The teacher told the student that the earth _ round the sun.A. moveB. movesC. movedD。 had moved16。 You dont like to go boating, _. A。 so do I。 B。 so I do。 C. nor do I D。 nor I do 17。 It _ delicious。 I would like to eat it. A。 comes B. sounds C。 looks D. tastes 18. How many years is it since you left home? Ten years。 I often _ my hometown。 A。 dream B. dream of C。 dreaming D. dreamed 19. The old man lives _, but he never feels _。 A。 lonely; alone B. alone; lonely C。 lonely; lonely D. alone; alone20. - Do you know anything about the college? Yes, but when and where to build it _yet. A。 hasnt been decided B。 hasnt decided C. arent decided D。 doesnt decide 21。一Lucy didnt come to school, did she?一_。 She was ill and stayed in bed,A。 Yes, she did B. No, she did C。 No, she doesnt D. No, she didnt 22。 He was born _ .A。 at a cold night B。 on a cold night C。 in a cold night D. for a cold night 23。 You had better _ your shoes _. A. to have; mended B。 have ; mended C. have ; mending D。 to have; mending 24. He saved money _ he could buy a birthday present for his mother。A。 for B。 so that C。 such that D. in order 25。 He didnt say _ the next day。A。 where will he go B. where he will go to C. where he would go D. where would he go 26. I want my friends to enjoy _ at the dinner party。A。 itself B。 himself C. herself D. themselves27. The car accident _ last week。A. happens B. has happened C. was happened D. happened28。 _ beautiful song they are singing!A. What B。 How a C。 What a D. How29. Toms father often has lunch at the factory, _?A。 has he B. hasnt he C. does he D. doesnt he30. Paul, as well as his brothers, _ a big eater.A. is B。 are C。 has D。 have二、阅读理解(本大题共10个小题,每小题2分,共20分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项选出)A Driver WantedDrive for busy restaurant some evening and weekend workAll meals are freeRing 33335678House for Sale¥150, 000, built in 1995The house with 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, a kitchen and a breakfast room。 Its on the south side of the city.Yingbin Supermarket, the biggest shopping centre in our city will open on July 8, 2013。 Everybody with todays Tianjin Daily will get a small present that day. You are welcome.Tel: 27984321Add: No。6 Huanghe Road, Tianjin Daily June 1, 2013Roses Special ConcertTime: 2 p。m。, July 3, SaturdayPlace: Peoples StadiumTicket Price: 150 yuan for adults; 70 yuan for studentsJune 25, 201331。 If you work as a driver in the restaurant,
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