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辽宁省大连海湾高级中学2019-2020学年高三英语上学期期中试题第一部分:听力(略)说明:1、请在答题纸上作答,在试卷上作答无效。 2、本试卷共120分,考试时间120分钟。第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 ASelfies (自拍) have become an increasingly common way to capture memorable momentsWhen it comes to taking selfies,knowing the following tips can directly affect the quality of your final productThe use of light is vital to improving image qualityLights can help avoid shadows and create soft features on your face,so turn your face toward the main light sourceIf you want to be creative,play with light angles by turning your body,but make sure the photo is properly exposed and your face is lit from the front or the sideBesides,avoid taking selfies against the main light source or with overhead lightingIn addition,natural light possesses a warmth that makes you look like youre glowingWhen taking selfies,angles also matter a lotHold the camera away from your face,and try to take photos both horizontally(水平地) and vertically(垂直地)If not,your face might look bigger than usualIdeally,the universal selfie angle is 45degrees above your headBut you should study your face at different angles because finding your best angle requires you having seen all of themOne problem with selfies is that most have distracting backgroundsYou can always do more to show others your best sideTry to simplify the background by taking selfies outdoors or in spacious areasDocument yourself engaging in interesting activitieshiking with family members,visiting landmarks,or working out with friendsAt least,you can make the photo appealing by getting rid of your outstretched arm or a background thats too busyYou can also download some photo apps that allow you to adjust the lighting and contrastSome apps offer useful filters,which can change your skin tone and remove pimples (粉刺) on your face21To get an image of high quality,you need toAbe under the light sourceBbe against the main lightCface the main light sourceDhave the photo fully exposed22How can you find the angle that suits you most?AStudy your face at different anglesBHold the camera far enough from youCKeep the camera lower than your faceDPlace the camera 45degrees above your head23Which of the following should be avoided when taking selfies?AThe use of natural lightBA landmark as a backgroundCChanges of the skin toneDA busy background BThe British National Health Service (NHS) was set up in 1948 and was designed to provide equal basic health care, free of charge, for everybody in the country. Before this time health care had to be paid for by individuals.Nowadays central government is directly responsible for the NHS although it is administered by local health authorities. About 83 percent of the cost of the health service is paid for by general taxation and the rest is met from the National Insurance contributions paid by those in work. There are charges for prescription and dental care but many people, such as children, pregnant women, pensioners, and those on Income Support, are exempt from payment.Most people are registered with a local doctor (a GP, or General Practitioner) who is increasingly likely to be part of a health centre which serves the community. As the population of Britain gets older, the hospital service now treats more patients than before, although patients spend less time in hospital. NHS hospitalsmany of which were built in the nineteenth century provide nearly half a million beds and have over 480, 000 medical staff. The NHS is the biggest employer in Europe although Britain actually spends less per person on health care than most of her European neighbours.During the 1980s there was considerable restructuring of the Health Service with an increased emphasis on managerial efficiency and the privatization of some services (for example, cleaning). At the end of the 1980s the government introduced proposals for further reform of the NHS, including allowing some hospitals to be self-governing, and encouraging GPs to compete for patients. Patients would be able to choose and change their family doctor more easily and GPs would have more financial responsibility. The political questions continue of how much money should be provided to support the NHS and where it should come from.24. We can know from the first paragraph that _.A. the original aim of the NHS was to provide equal basic health care for everybodyB. people didnt have to pay for health care since the NHS was set upC. patients were charged for receiving health care before 1948D. the NHS was an organization which gave free advice to villagers25. What do we know about the NHS?A. Its managed by the central government.B. Its cost is mainly paid for by the National Insurance contributions.C. It hires more people than any other unit in Europ
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