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课堂练习四上 Unit 2 Let s make a fruit salad班级姓名听录音,将相关联的两幅图用线连起来(听两遍)1.2.Hel3.Helen选择填空。)1.Do you have anA. banana? Yes, I do.A.B.C.B. grape C. orangeL&)2. Wang Bing, do you havegrapes? No, I don .A. someB. anyC. a)3. Let shave a cakea cherry.A. withB. onC. in)4. Look at my fruit salad! A. No, tha nks. B. How nice!C. It scute and fat.)5. How many.do you have? I have two.A. toy dog B. toys dog C. toy dogs按要求完成句子。1.1 have some grapes.(改为一般疑问句,并肯定回答)havegrapes? Yes ,2. I like toy tigers.(改为否定句)toy tigers.3. Open your book, Liu Tao.(改为否定句)ope n your book, Liu Tao.4.1 have three man goes.(划线部分提问)man goes do you have?四、小谜语。1. Two little brothers. One lives on one side. The other lives on the other side. Theyhear what you say. But they does not see each other.猜一种人体器官)2. What can run but n ever walks, has a mouth but n ever talks, has a head but n everweeps, has a bed but n ever sleeps? (猜一种自然界事物)3. What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, tells but does not talk? (猜一种生活用品)4. What is big and bright duri ng the day and we casee it at ni ght? (猜一种自然界事物)5.1 live in the see. I am the biggest ani mal in the sea. What am I? (猜一种动物)五、连词成句1. make Let、fruit、a、salad2. apples Do、like、you3.I、some have、grapes4.you、Do、have、any、man goes5.many、How、have、pears you、do等第日期听力稿一、听录音,将相关联的两幅图用线连起来。 (听两遍)Liu Tao、Sam and Helen have a lot of toy cars. Liu Tao has 19 toy cars, Sam has 16 toy cars, Helen has 13 toy cars.
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