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实用精品文献资料分享九年级英语上册Unit 5短语归纳整理九年级英语上册Unit 5短语归纳整理Un it5 What are the shirtsmade of ?一.短语归纳1. be made of由 制成的(表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材料 是什么)2. be made from 由 制成的(在成品中已无法辨认原材料)3. beknown for以闻名4. beused for被用于.5. nomatter 不论;无论6. becovered with用. 覆盖7. asfar as i know 据我所知8. byhand 用手9. begood for 对有益10.o nthe last friday of each month最后一个星期五11. begood at 擅长12. makehigh-tech no logy products制造高科技产品13. theearth s surface 地球表面14. ma ny differe nt kinds of许多不同种类的15. flya kite放风筝16. such as 例如17. accordi ngto根据按照18. askfor help请求帮助19. asymbol of 的象征20. put on 把放在上21. be used for被用于做22. good luck 好运23. at avery high heat在高温下24. bemade in在制造的25. befamous for以著名27. trafficaccide nt交通事故28. a kite festival风筝节29. befrom 来自30. turn into 把变成31. sendout 放出32.i ntrouble处于困境中33. rise into上升上涨34. papercutt ing剪纸35. be used by 被使用36. dur ing the spring festival在春节期间37. skyla nterns孔明灯38. allover the world 全世界二.用法集萃1. no matter +what/ whe n / where 二whatever / whe never / wherever “无论什么/什么时候/哪里”2. it 放在find / found后做形式宾语的用法3. It seems that + 从句 “好像”4. 4.buy sb.sth.二buy sth for sb给某人买某物5. avoiddoi ng sth避免做某事6. allowsb to do sth允许某人做某事7. wantto do sth8.learnto do sth9ttakes + sb. +时间想做某事学会做某事一段时间+ to do sth做某事花费某人多长26.o nthe sides of mountains在山腰上10. tryto do sth 尽力做某事
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