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PCR 实验室主要仪器设备区域序号所需仪器数量型号规格试剂准备区1冰柜1202移液器10.5-10ul移液器120200ul移液器110-100ul 或者 5-50ul 或者 10-200ul3混匀器12002500 转/分4微型离心机1Mini-6k标本制备区1金属浴1普通(达到 100)2冰箱14,203高速离心机1300-16000 转/分(能达到 14000)4混匀器12002500 转/分5生物安全柜或净化工作台1单人单面操作6洗涤池1500500 mm7移液器10.5-10ul移液器120200ul移液器11001000ul扩增区1核酸扩增仪(PCR)1TC-XP-A2微型离心机1Mini-6k,配可离心 8 联管转头产物分析区1洗涤池1500500 mm2冰箱14,203恒温水浴箱1371004医用核酸分子快速杂交仪1凯普 HHM-25移液器120200ul移液器11001000ul以上不含医用核酸分子快速杂交仪和荧光定量 PCR 仪(用于开展导流杂交平台检测项目(如 HPV21 分型、STD 三联检),可不用荧光定量 PCR 仪。)耗材清单:耗材数量0.2mlPCR 管盒(96 孔)至少 2 个200ul 枪头盒至少 4 个1000ul 枪头盒至少 3 个10ul 枪头盒(盒高根据采购枪头大小配套)至少 2 个1.5ml 离心管架(60 孔)至少 3 个废液缸2 个1000ul 枪头(蓝色)若干,建议带滤芯200ul 枪头(黄色或透明)若干,建议带滤芯10ul 枪头(透明)若干,建议带滤芯,选择长款(避免污染枪)PCR 管,单管若干,建议购买进口1.5ml 离心管若干,建议购买进口小镊子至少 2 个样本管架(放采样瓶用)2 个一次性橡胶手套和 PE 手套若干,橡胶手套建议无粉挂衣钩(挂毛巾或实验服)建议每个分区一件实验服垃圾桶(配生物垃圾袋)3 个酒精喷壶3 个计时器2 个其他实验用品:75%酒精、次氯酸钠片或者 84 消毒液、生理盐水、浮板(如果是水浴会用到)、纸抽、棉签、剪刀、冰袋、记号笔、吸水纸等“”“”At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, people who learn to learn are very happy people. In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!
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