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英概Chapter3一、选择题1、When William died in 1087, he left Normandy to Robert, and England to William Rufus.2、The spirit of the Great Charter was a limitation of the powers of the king.3、Black Death was the modern name given to the deadly bubonic plague, an epidemic disease spread by rat fleas in the 14th century.4、At the bottom of the English feudal scale were villeins.5、William the Conqueror was responsible for the complete establishment of the feudal system in England.6、According to historical record, it appeared that in 1086 about half of the cultivated land in England was in the hands of 170 tenants-in-chief.7、William II was known as Rufus because of his red complexion.8、The Canterbury Tales was written by Chaucer.9、The domestic unrest in England in the 12th and 13th centuries was caused by Englands possession of territory in France and Norman adherence to Roman Catholicism.10、According to Magna Carta no tax should be made without the approval of the Grand Council.11、Magna Carta was a statement of the feudal and legal relationship between the Crown and the barons, a guarantee of the freedom of the church and a limitation of the powers of the king.12、The Great Charter was signed in 1215 and had 63 clauses.13、The Hundred Years War between England and France lasted from 1337 to 1453.14、The Hundred Years War could be divided into three outstanding stages.15、Edward III,king of England initiated the long, drawn-out struggle with France called the Hundred Years War.16、The Hundred Years War ended in defeat for England.17、During the Hundred Years War the French national heroine was Joan of Arc.18、As result of the Black Death, Landowners tended to change from arable to sheep-farming.19、Black Death reduced Englands population from 4 million to 2 million by the end of the 14th century.20、In 1351, the government issued a Statute of Laborers which made it a crime for peasants to ask for more wages.21、The Black Death swept through England in the summer of 1348 without warning.22、John Wyclifs followers who went about preaching the equality of men before God were known as the Lollards.23、The Lollards were poor priests and itinerant preachers who had played a very important role in the Peasant Uprising of 1381.二、简答题1、Which system was completely established under William in English?The feudal system was completely established under William in English.2、What was William I s policy towards the church?He wanted to keep it completely under his control, but at the same time to uphold its power.3、What are the two aspects of the Norman legacy that contributed to great domestic unrest in England in the 12th and 13th centuries?One was Englands possession of territory in France. The other was Norman adherence to Roman Catholicism.4、What is the Magna Carta also known as ?It is also known as the barons charter (the Great Charter).5、What is the main spirit of the Great Charter?The main spirit was to limit the powers of the King.6、Whats the beginning of the English parliament?Simon de Montfort summoned in 1265 the Great Council to meet at Westminster, together with two knights from each country and two burgesses (citizens) from each town, a meeting which has been seen as that of the earliest parliament.7、Whats the role of Simons Parliament?Its role was to offer advice, not to make decisions.8、What was the result of the Hundred Years War?Britain was defeated by France.三、名词解释1、2、3、4、
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