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四年级数学下册四则运算简便计算1、请你做法官:32672 28 = 326(7228)()改:73 3773 37 = 0()改:2、怎样简便就怎样算。145+378+222+55986+213-486+1871069-(269-194)861-98963-106368+105458 +94216+89+11126(547446)74248711358435461440145639245650823434663821653582(139192)615246(246694)693+369-193-269463-187+137-113983-(491+283)-1913、解决问题:一个工程队要用一个月的时间挖一条长 2670 米的水渠,已知上旬挖了 1016 米,中旬挖了 984 米。要想按期完成任务,下旬需要挖多少米?1同学们去军区演出,四年级去 113 人,五年级去 272 人,六年级去 87 人。三个年级一共去多少人?5、请你做法官:3516 = 35 2 8()改:88 99 88 = 88 100()改:73 3773 37 = 0()改:83 99 = 83 (99 1)()改:6、怎样简便就怎样算。25256125=198297+3198=64125=25312-12-1252=77935-35-35278=522425=7440125=4540125=303247=8812599+33171672425=2532125=9133+9+1669=14016+293140-1409=7、解决问题:学校准备为田径运动会购买一些奖品。玩具三轮车 25 辆,每辆 24 元,摩托车 25 辆,每辆 26 元,小汽车 25 辆,每辆 80 元。? 你能提出哪些数学问题?一座大楼有 25 层,每层有 24 个窗口,每个窗口有 4 块玻璃,这座大楼一共有多少块玻璃?某工厂原计划一年生产农具 4800 部, 实际用 10 个月就完成了任务, 实际平均每月比原计划每月多生产多少部农具?8、简便计算6.25.123.815.359.25.3513. 十 68 十 3.615.5 十 26.5 一 20.4IO.27 十 0.48.2724.6 一 3.98 十 5.46.0264.3 一 18.75 十 15.7 一 11.259、用小数计算下面各题。63 元 7 角 2 分32 元零 8 分5 吨 70 千克12 吨 8 千克63 元 7 角 2 分32 元零 8 分5 吨 70 千克12 吨 8 千克“”“”At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, people who learn to learn are very happy people. In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!
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