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Ground service地面服务英语1 Customer Services旅客服务1.1 The announcement 广播the announcement before boarding后排登机广播“Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! The aircraft has just arrived at Shenzhen Baoan International Airport. It has to go through a series of procedures such as disembarking, cleaning, and refueling and security check. This process will last about 20 to 25 minutes. 各位旅客大家上午/下午/晚上好!飞机刚刚抵达深圳宝安国际机场,还要记过下客、打扫卫生、加油以及安全检查等阶段,这个过程大概要持续20-25分钟。1.1.2 Passengers for flight ZHto please remain seated until the boarding call is announced.乘坐航班前往的旅客,请您在座位上稍候,一会可以登机的时候,我们会通知您登机。1.1.3 Welcome to Shenzhen Airlines flight ZH to. This flight will be boarding through gate in approximately minutes.欢迎您乘坐深圳航空公司ZH航班前往 大约分钟后,请各位旅客由号登机口登机。1.1.4We will be boarding by seat row numbers. Passengers seated in the rear of cabin will be boarded first so as to avoid congestion inside the cabin and to smooth out the boarding process. 为了避免客舱内的拥挤以及能够让你顺利登机,我们将根据座位排数通知您登机,坐在后排的旅客将先登机。1.1.5 So please remain seated until your seat row number is called.没有被通知的旅客请您在座位上耐心等候一下。 1.1.6 Passengers traveling with infants, young children, senior citizens or anyone requiring special assistance to board, please approach the gate at this time.抱婴,带小孩,老人以及所有需要特殊帮助的旅客,请您现在到登机口这边来。1.1.7 First class, business class and golden- card passengers may board at their leisure.头等舱,公务舱及金卡旅客可随时登机。1.1.8 Passengers seated in seat rows tomay board now. Please take all your carry-on baggage with you and have your boarding passes ready for inspection.下面有请坐在第排到第的旅客开始登机。请您带好随身携带物品并准备好登机牌。1.1.9 Passengers seated in seat rows to may board now.下面有请坐在第排到第的旅客开始登机。1.1.10This is the final boarding announcement for passengers flying on Shenzhen Airlines flight ZH to. Would all remaining passengers please board through gate乘坐深圳航空公司ZH 次航班前往的所有未登机的旅客,请您抓紧时间由登机口登机。the announcement for delay延误广播1.2.1 This announcement is for passengers traveling on flight ZH to. 1.2.2 We are sorry to inform you that flight ZHtohas been delayed due to 乘坐ZH前往的旅客,很抱歉的通知您,您乘坐的航班由于延误(1)aircraft rotation (飞机调配) (2) mechanical trouble(机械故障)(3)bad weather(天气原因)(4)poor visibility(能见度差)(5) air route control(航空管制) (6)air route congestion(航路阻塞)(7)aircraft delay(飞机晚到)(8)military practice(军事演习) The new departure time is scheduled to be3. The new departure time will be announced later. 新的登机时间预计为/待定。Announcement for carry-on baggage policy 手提行李限制通知1.3.1 Ladies and gentlemen, Shenzhen Airlines welcome all passengers traveling on flight ZHto today. This flight will be boarding shortly at gate . At this time we would like to remind all passengers that for your safety and comfort, the maximum size of your carry-on baggage is restricted to 20cm40cm55cm.各位旅客,大家好!欢迎您乘坐深圳航空ZH前往 。稍后请您由号登机口登机。为了您的安全和舒适起见,请您查看一下行李,您随身携带行李的体积不得超过20厘米40厘米55厘米。1.3.2 Outsized carry-on baggage will be checked in again and stowed in the aircraft hold as well as others. Please remove the valuable and fragile items or medicine from the baggage, if any. If you are uncertain of the limits, please utilize the sizing frame on the gate service desk, or contact any of our staff members. We will be pleased to help you.我们将为超大行李再次办理托运手续。如果在您的行李中有贵重和易碎物品或药品,请将其取出。如果您不确定是否超限,我们在登机口服务台上设有测量框图,您可以对照检查一下,或者联系我们的工作人员,我们将高兴为您提供帮助。Announcement for gate change 登机口变更通知1.4.1This announcement is for passengers traveling on flight ZH to. The boarding gate for flight ZHto has been changed to gate. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused for you. 乘坐ZH前往的旅客,很抱歉的通知您,您的登机口已经改到了,由此造成的不便,我们深表歉意。Announcement for gate change 登机口变更通知1.5.1 This announcement is for passengers traveling on flight ZH to. The boarding gate for flight ZHto has been changed to gate. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused for you. 乘坐ZH前往的旅客,很抱歉的通知您,您的登机口已经改到了,由此造成的不便,我们深表歉意。Conversations情景对话:1 miss the flight (漏乘) S指工作人员 P指旅客 S: Im sorry you have missed the flight,/ I am sorry, you are late fore the flight 很遗憾的告诉您,您赶不上这班飞机了。S: The door of the aircraft was closed down ten minutes before departure time飞机起飞前十分关舱门P: oh ,my god, could you help me to get on the plane , I really have something important to do, and I have to catch this flight。您能帮我吗?我真的有很重要的事,我必须赶上这个航班。S: Im really sorry ,but I have try my best, the door was already closed down ,it is beyond my power,很抱歉,飞机已经关门了,我也无能为力。S: Please go to No.29th check-in counter to endorse。If you want to refund, you have to confirm your refund at check-in counter 29 first, and then go to your original booking office to refund.请到29号值机柜台改签。您先要到29号值机柜台办理确认退票手续,然后回原售票处退票 2 check-in in the boarding gate拉超大 S 指工作人员 P指旅客S: Im sorry your stroller is oversize. There was not much room for it很抱歉您的婴儿车超大了,客舱没有可能没地方放。P: but I can put them together我能收起来的。S: Im sorry,but this flight is almost full ,there were not much room in the cabin.不好
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