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购物英语情景对话 开展对话教学的基础是建立教师与学生之间平等的地位,以学生的学习兴趣为教学核心,以学生的自主学习为教学目标,在老师的引导与启发下,进行民主化、相互化的学习行为。我整理了,欢迎阅读! Tom: How much are you asking for this book? 这本书多少钱? Linda: 15 Yuan. 十五块钱。 Tom: Thats steep. Id buy it right away if it were cheaper. 太离谱了。便宜点儿我就买。 Linda: Because I like you.12 Yuan. 跟你投缘十二好了。 Tom: Ill take it for 10 Yuan. 十块钱我就拿走得了。 Linda: Deal. 成交。 二 Mary: How can I help you? 请问你想买点儿什么? John: Id like to buy a USB flash drive. 我想买个USB闪存。 Mary: We have a lot of brands here, so you can pick what you like. 我们这儿有很多牌子的,你可以随便挑。 John: I dont care about the brand. I just want one that works. 牌不牌子无所谓。我就想买个差不多能用的就行。 Mary: What size do you want? 1GB or 2GB? 那你想买个多大的?1G的还是2G的? John: 1 GB. 1G的吧。 Mary: Check this one out. Its 1GB and its a popular model. We have sold a lot of these. 那你可以看看这款,1G,流行款式。我们这儿卖得很好。 John: How much is it? 多少钱? Mary: 100 yuan. Other brands cost about 150 yuan. 一百。其他的好点儿牌子的都要一百五呢。 John: Its too expensive. One of my co-workers just bought one for 80 yuan. 一百太贵了。我同事前两天刚买了一个差不多的,才八十。 Mary: Thats impossible. That price is too low. How about 90 yuan? 那不可能。价儿太低了。九十行吗? John: No thanks, I would rather go somewhere else. 那就算了,我再去别的地方看看吧。 Mary: OK, 80 yuan is fine. You know, I wont make any profit. Please dont tell anyone you bought it at this price. 好吧,八十拿走吧。你知道这价儿我真不赚钱。你可千万别跟别人说这个价买的。 三 Lily: Can I help you, sir? 先生,想买点儿什么? Ben: I wanna have a look firstCould you show me this small pottery figure? 我先看看能给我拿这个小陶俑看看吗? Lily: Of course. 好嘞。 Ben: How much is it? 多少钱一个? Lily: 15 yuan. 十五块钱。 Ben: I want to buy six, could you give me a better price? 我想买六个,能便宜点儿吗? Lily: How about 12 yuan each? Thatll be 72 yuan altogether. 算您十二一个怎么样?一共七十二块钱。 Ben: Lets make it 70, a round number. 七十吧,凑个整儿。 Lily: Alright, deal. Ill put them each in a small box so that they wont break. 好,给你吧。我帮您用盒子装起来,这样就不会碎了。
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