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Unit 8 creative minds Part I A. The following passage will tell you about some inventions made by people in different countries. Listen carefully and match the inventions with the places where these things first came fromB. in the past century when the consumer became king, product innovation reached unprecedented heights. Now listen to some of the great things invented in the past 100 years. Fill in the missing information. Pay special attention to the name of the inventions and the time when they appeared.Part I I Scientists of the millennium (1)A. Listen to the first half of a passage about the discovery and inventions of ten important scientists of the millenium. Complete the following chart with key wordsB. Now listen again and answer the questions with key words Part I I I Scientists of the millennium (2)A. You are going to hear the second of half of the passage about the discoveries of ten important scientists of the millennium. Complete the chart with key words.B. Now listen again. Decide whether the statements are true or false. Part I Warming up Key words inventVocabularyFaxSending (copies of printed material, letters, pictures, etc.) using a system by which the information is sent in electronic form along a telephone lineTo transmit (printed matter or an image) by electronic means.传真:用电讯方式传递信息(打印出事情或图形)CalendarA printed table that lists the days, weeks, and months of the yearA table showing the months, weeks, and days in at least one specific year.日历:一种表格,表示出至少某一年内的月份、星期和日Any of various systems of reckoning time in which the beginning, length, and divisions of a year are defined.历法:任一种用于标识时间的系统,确定了一年的开始、时长和划分PuppetA toylike jointed figure of a person or animal that is made to move by someone pulling wires or strings at a theater performanceA small figure of a person or an animal, having a cloth body and hollow head, designed to be fitted over and manipulated by the hand.木偶:用布料制成身体及空脑袋的小型人或动物的形象,用于套在手上或用手来操纵A figure having jointed parts animated from above by strings or wires; a marionette.木偶:由身体各部分相连接组成的用线或绳子操纵的形象;牵线木偶A toy representing a human figure; a doll.玩偶:人形玩具;玩偶Mercedes-Benz奔驰汽车German automobile pioneer credited with manufacturing the first vehicle powered with an internal-combustion engine, patented in 1886.奔驰,卡尔弗雷德里希:(1844-1929) 德国汽车业先驱,制造了第一辆以内燃机为动力的汽车,于1886年注册专利Nova Scotia新斯科舍省A province of eastern Canada comprising a mainland peninsula and the adjacent Cape Breton Island. It joined the confederation in 1867. The first successful settlement was made by the French at Port Royal (now Annapolis Royal) in 1610. France and Great Britain bitterly contested the area, part of Acadia, until 1763, when the Treaty of Paris awarded the French possessions in North America to the British. During the 18th century many Scots immigrated to the region, leading to its name, a Latinized version of “New Scotland.” Halifax is the capital and the largest city. Population, 847,442.新斯科舍省:加拿大东部的省,包括一个大陆半岛和毗临的布雷顿角岛。1867年加入联邦。1610年法国人在罗亚尔港(现为安娜波利斯罗亚尔)第一次成功地定居。法国和大不列颠曾激烈地争夺过这一地区,即阿卡迪亚的一部分,直到1733年,当巴黎协议将法国对北美的占有权移交给不列颠18世纪许多苏格兰人移居此地,因此有了这个名字,拉丁文意为“新苏格兰”。哈利法克斯为首府和最大城市。人口847,442A. The following passage will tell you about some inventions made by people in different countries. Listen carefully and match the inventions with the places where these things first came from Invention 1. the computer 2. The fax machine 3. Folding fans 4. The car 5. The chocolate bar 6. The calendar 7. The mechanical clock 8. puppets Places A. England B. Africa C. the U.S. D. Australia E. Japan F. Canada G. China H. Switzerland I. Germany J. Mexico1. a2. d3. e4. I5. f6. j7. g8. bB.Vocabulatry Paper clip纸夹A small piece of curved wire used for holding sheets of paper togetherPatent 专利权, 执照, 专利品A paper from a government office giving someone the right to make or sell a new invention for a certain number of years.Adhesive 粘合剂, 胶粘(a substance such as glue) that can stick or cause stickingCellular phoneA phone using a network of radio stations to pass on signalsCommissionA group of people specially appointed at a high level to do certain work. Esp. to find out facts and write a reportAuthorizeTo give formal permisson to or forSubscribeTo pay regularly in order to receive a magazine, newspapaer, telephone service, etc.Credit withTo accept th
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